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02 May 2019

BCA Strengthens Financial Inclusion through SimPel BCA

Jakarta, 2 May 2019 – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) fully supports the movement to introduce formal financial systems and the banking world from an early age through a number of initiatives that encourage students to own their personal savings, which will subsequently shape their character and instil in them savings culture.

The movement gains a new momentum through a SimPel re-launch event initiated at the SimPel Day, held by the Financial Service Authority (OJK) in collaboration with national banks, including BCA, as an effort to further strengthen financial inclusion program through Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel) – loosely translates to Student Savings.

Attending the SimPel Day was Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia as the Chairman of the Inclusive Financial National Council Darmin Nasution, Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Wimboh Nasution, Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Education and Consumer Protection Tirta Segara, and Director of BCA Santoso. The program was also enlivened by the performance from elementary, middle and high schoolers from various schools in Jabodetabek.

Director of BCA Santoso said that in order to strengthen financial inclusion from an early age, the Bank BCA continued to socialize the introduction to the banking world to students from an early age. In line with the development and mentoring programs for assisted villages all across Indonesia, BCA also collaborated with schools around the said assisted villages in order to socialize the banking world while getting the students to own a savings at an early age.

“BCA is always committed to helping the government in expanding financial inclusion especially in rural areas, which is in line with the development and mentoring program for BCA’s assisted villages. Currently, BCA is developing the opening of SimPel savings through the LAKU PANDAI agents. By encouraging the students to engage with the banking world at an early age, the next Indonesian generation can build a brighter future for themselves,” he asserted.

As is known, SimPel BCA is a savings account specifically made for preschool, elementary, middle and high school students under 17 years old who have not yet obtained a Citizen ID card. As one of the means of educations on financial management, savings culture, and introduction of the banking world among the youth, SimPel BCA offers free administration fees, minimum initial deposit of Rp5,000, and accounts and cards on behalf of the respective students.

BCA Perkuat Inklusi Keuangan Melalui SimPel BCA

BCA Strengthens Financial Inclusion through SimPel BCA – Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Santoso (second left) together with Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia as the Chairman of the Inclusive Financial National Council Darmin Nasution (right) and a Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Education and Consumer Protection Tirta Segara (left) at the SimPel Day event in Jakarta, Thursday (02/05/2019). This program is a collaboration between the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and national banks, including BCA, to strengthen financial inclusive program through the SimPel program. Supporting this program, BCA has had a SimPel BCA, a savings account specifically made for preschool, elementary, middle and high school students under 17 years old. The SimPel BCA serves as a means of educations on financial management, savings culture, and introduction of the banking world among the youth, which offers minimum initial deposit of Rp5,000, and accounts and cards on behalf of the respective students.

BCA Perkuat Inklusi Keuangan Melalui SimPel BCA

BCA Strengthens Financial Inclusion through SimPel BCA – Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Santoso talked about SimPel BCA to the students of BCA’s Assisted Schools, SMP Negeri 6 Serang, at the SimPel Day event, in Jakarta, Thursday (02/05/2019). SimPel Day is a collaboration event between the Financial Authority Services (OJK) and the national banks, including BCA, as an effort to strengthen the financial inclusion program through Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel). Supporting this program, BCA has had a SimPel BCA, a savings account specifically made for preschool, elementary, middle and high school students under 17 years old. The SimPel BCA serves as a means of educations on financial management, savings culture, and introduction of the banking world among the youth, which offers minimum initial deposit of Rp5,000, and accounts and cards on behalf of the respective students.



About PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (as of 31st March 2019)

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with a core focus on transaction banking business and providing loan facilities and solutions to the corporate, commercial & SME and consumer segments. At the end of March 2019, BCA had the privilege of serving 19.5 million customer accounts, processing millions of transactions every day through 1,246 branches, 17,800 ATMs as well as transactions made over the 24-hour internet and mobile banking systems.

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