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Conducting responsible business and supporting the SDGs
Responsible Financing
BCA is committed to creating a significant positive impact in managing environmental, social, and human rights issues through the implementation of a sustainability culture in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Responsible Financing
1. Improving Sustainable Financing Portfolios
Sustainable financing portfolio (KKUB) amounted to Rp229 trillion, an increase of 12.5% compared to last year at Rp203 trillion. This achievement is higher than the KKUB target of 9%. KKUB's loan portfolio consists of Green Financing (KUBL) of 42.3% and MSMEs of 56.8%. The total KKUB loan portfolio is equivalent to 24.8% of the total bank’s portfolio in 2024.
BCA also developed the Sustainability Linked Loan (SLL) scheme. In the SLL scheme, BCA and the debtor agree on Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Sustainability Performance Target (SPT) that have been aligned with the debtor's main business field. With this mechanism, debtors will receive incentives if they meet a series of agreed SPT. In 2024, financing with the SLL scheme that had been disbursed amounted to Rp1.003 billion, and as of December 2023 the outstanding was Rp319 billion.
Green Financing (KUBL) covers the business sectors of renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution prevention and control, sustainable management of bioresources & sustainable land use, eco-efficient products, eco-friendly transportation and environmentally friendly buildings.
In lending, BCA has implemented several policies and procedures to ensure that business activities are in line with responsible financing. One of BCA's efforts in responsible financing is to implement a sectoral credit policy for sectors that potentially have a high risk of environmental damage. BCA has also issued an exclusion list as a guideline for risk appetite while taking into account the risk aspects of each sector.
2. Infrastructure Project Financing
BCA contributes to creating indirect economic impact for the communities through infrastructure financing in Indonesia. BCA provides financing for toll road projects, electricity, railways, telecommunication towers, airports and ports, as well as commercial drinking water and sanitation. In 2024, total lending for infrastructure (including non-cash loans) reached Rp72.8 trillion.
3. Financing for the Renewable Energy Sector
In support of the government's program towards a low-carbon economy, BCA also provides financing to renewable energy projects. In 2024, BCA recorded financing disbursements for EBT projects amounting to Rp3 trillion. Some of the projects that have been financed include solar, hydro, minihydro, biogas, and biomass power plant projects.
4. Assistance and Support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
MSMEs have an important role in the Indonesian economy as they are able to absorb labor and drive the local economy. BCA is committed to supporting MSMEs by providing special MSME financing programs. By 2024, financing to the MSME sector reached Rp129.8 trillion, an increase of 11.9% compared to 2023. BCA also consistently organizes UMKM Fest to bring together MSMEs with business players, and help market products online and offline. ± 1,500 local MSMEs participated in the event.
5. ‘Bangga Lokal’ Program
‘Bangga Lokal' is BCA's support to help MSMEs grow their businesses and find new partners. For selected MSMEs, BCA will assist with promotion, marketing, education and opportunities to obtain working capital financing. Bangga Lokal also has a development program with various activities such as webinars with topics relevant to businesses, collaboration between MSMEs and creators for new product development, and coaching clinics.
6. People's Business Credit (KUR)
In 2024, BCA disbursed Rp783.3 billion in KUR, increased by 31% from Rp598.8 billion in 2023. BCA finances KUR that has a direct economic impact on the community, increasing the activity and creativity of people in underdeveloped areas. Some types of people's businesses that are funded include handicrafts, processed products, animal husbandry, and nurseries.
BCA KUR applications can be made by visiting the nearest branch or online through the KUR webform at To facilitate and reach a wider range of small business actors in applying for KUR, BCA is also developing a digital application, LOUISE (Loan Origination Unified System for Enterprise), which is an application integrated with the website.
7. Climate-related Financial Risk
BCA manages ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) related risks in its financing activities by applying a set of strict credit requirements for all segments, including corporate, commercial, and MSMEs, which includes an assessment of governance aspects, business legality, management structure, and social aspects such as the prohibition of child labor and forced labor. For corporate and commercial segments, the assessment involves Environmental & Social Risk Assessment (ESRA) criteria to assess social and environmental impacts. BCA also applies an escalation mechanism in the credit approval process that involves various working units and credit committees, up to the Board of Directors. Since 2022, BCA classifies debtors based on their support for environmental protection and climate change mitigation, in accordance with the Indonesian Green Taxonomy. In 2023, BCA began piloting ESG risk assessment on debtors in high-risk sectors such as palm oil and coal mining. BCA's Risk Management Division's role is to identify and manage risks arising from business activities, including credit risk and risks related to ESG and climate change.
Quality of Service and Customer Trust
BCA values a fair and equal service to all of its customers. The service is expected to provide satisfaction and convenience to customers, as well as provide necessary banking solutions.
Accessibility to Banking Services
In order to increase access and affordability of banking solutions for all customers, digitalization becomes BCA’s strategy. Besides making it easier for customers to access banking services anytime and anywhere, digital banking is equipped with reliable data security systems. BCA applies the ISO 27001 standard to ensure data security. BCA continues to expand its network of inclusive, fair, and respectful banking solutions. BCA's services are based on the 'SMART SOLUTION' culture, which is being alert, engaging, enthusiastic, friendly, thorough, attentive, open-minded, complete, prioritizing customer needs, telling solutions, initiatives, and on-time
Technological Development and Digitalization
Information technology development and digitization has become one of the keys to support ease of transactions as well as the implementation of Sustainable Finance. Banking digitalization makes it easier for customers to conduct transactions without having to come to branches, thus contributing to reducing carbon emissions from vehicles and reducing paper usage. In 2024, 99.8% of BCA's transactions were done digitally by customers.
Privacy and Data Security Protection for Customers
BCA is committed to maintaining the trust of its loyal customers by protecting their data security and privacy. This commitment is part of BCA's efforts to respect human rights.
As information technology continues to advance, the risk of cybercrime is increasing. BCA prioritizes the protection of customer data to ensure that customers feel comfortable transacting with BCA by providing regular training and socialization to employees. Data security incident simulations are conducted regularly to ensure that all employees are aware of cybersecurity issues. With a strong security system and prepared employees, it is hoped that potential cybercrime threats, negligence, and fraud can be effectively anticipated.
No Data Leakage
Throughout 2024, BCA did not experience any significant cases of customer data or privacy violations. There was no lost customer data, and no sanctions/fines borne by the Bank or BCA employees. BCA has an escalation mechanism in place in the event of a breach of customer privacy, as stipulated in the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB).
Fraud Prevention and Financial Crime Prevention
BCA has an anti-fraud unit that monitors the implementation/development of bank-wide Anti-Fraud policies/strategies. This monitoring covers prevention, detection, and investigation. To support the prevention of corruption and fraud, BCA implements the following systems:
Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing (AML CFT)
BCA raises awareness among all employees to increase vigilance against money laundering and terrorist financing practices. BCA runs AML CFT for all suspicious and high-value transactions. 100% of permanent employees have received socialization regarding AML CFT.
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