Sustainability Culture

Sustainability values and responsible operational activities

BCA is committed to creating a significant positive impact in managing environmental, social, and human rights issues through the implementation of a sustainability culture in collaboration with employees, business partners, customers, and the community.

Fair Operating Practices Human Rights and Employment Environment and Climate Change

Fair Operating Practices

BCA is committed to maintaining fair operating practices by complying with laws, regulations, social norms, and codes of ethics. The tangible form of BCA's commitment to compliance with a sustainability culture is carried out through several internal efforts, such as managing intellectual assets effectively, building and maintaining fair relationships, eliminating conflicts of interest with suppliers or other related parties, as well as conducting fair competition by complying with anti-monopoly laws. In addition to internal efforts, BCA has established policies regarding respect for human rights, employment, occupational health and safety, and fair procurement practices to suppliers. BCA's stakeholder’s engagement for its business initiatives and sustainability aspects is carried out through clear cooperation through integrity pacts and compliance with policies that are fair to both parties.

In the supply chain, BCA involves local parties to support economic development in Indonesia. In 2021, BCA gradually carried out human rights due diligence on vendors in the BCA supply chain to ensure that vendors respect human rights principles in their operations. Each prospective vendor will be selected prior to being accepted to cooperate, with the selection process covering the ESG aspects.

Human Rights and Employment

A. Enforcement of Human Rights

BCA is committed to respecting and upholding human rights. Human Rights Policies are implemented by BCA in collaboration with employees, vendors, customers, and the general public. BCA prohibits and will not tolerate any violation of human rights practices, including discrimination, sexual and non-sexual harassment in the workplace.

BCA also provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities (diverse abilities) and respects their rights. Currently, BCA has employed 26 outsourced workers with disabilities who work as Call Center Officers in the Digital Service Center.

BCA is committed to maintaining communication with employees through various means, one of which is Halo SDM (66900), which can be contacted by employees to obtain information about employment or industrial relations. This facility can be accessed via BCA's internal telephone network with a guarantee of confidentiality for callers' information.

The aspect of human rights is one of the fundamental issues that need to be considered in realizing sustainable business. In realizing the commitment as a responsible company for human rights.

In 2022 BCA conducted human rights due diligence on the employment aspect for BCA employees. And in 2023, BCA awarded a certificate of appreciation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for business actors who have fulfilled the protection, respect and restoration of human rights according to the Business and Human Rights Risk Assessment (PRISMA) indicator standards.

B. Talent Development Management

BCA's business sustainability is supported by excellent human resources. BCA consistently implements fair talent and employment management. Every employee has the right to equal opportunities in improving their competence and career. The education and training provided cover products and services knowledge, as well as soft skills and technical skills that can add knowledge and increase employee value. In addition, specific materials are provided to improve employee understanding of specific topics, such as Sustainable Finance.

Environment and Climate Change

BCA has developed a Climate strategy that serves as a key guideline in decarbonizing and increasing resilience to climate change, supporting the government's target to reduce GHG emissions by 31,89% by 2030 and achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060. The discussion on sustainable finance, including the management of climate-related risks and ESG, is presented in the form of a quarterly report. BCA also identifies and analyzes the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on its business, directing business strategy and financial planning with the ultimate goal of supporting the achievement of NZE through the implementation of the Climate Change Strategy Roadmap.

Implementation of Climate Risk Stress Test (CRST)

In 2023, the Indonesian government, through OJK, initiated the initial phase of Climate Risk Stress Testing (CRST) directed at the 11 banks in the Climate Related Financial Risk Task Force, including BCA, to assess and report the impact of climate risk on their loan/investment portfolio. BCA conducted this CRST using a simple approach, simulating physical and climate transition risks, identifying vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies for a short-term period. For physical risks, quantitative analysis was conducted on productive and consumer loans affected by drought, forest fires, and floods in 2023. Meanwhile, transition risk was measured for the period 2023-2025, covering the market risk of corporate bond holdings and its effect on corporate credit. Qualitative methods were used to assess transition and physical risks against operational risks, and for long-term risks (2030, 2040, 2050) using the NGFS scenario. The results show that BCA is still adequately capitalized above the CAR required by OJK, and the bank is committed to developing a framework in accordance with OJK's roadmap.

Climate Change

1. BCA's Response to Climate Change

BCA has developed a climate change strategy roadmap to identify the bank's risks and opportunities posed by climate change. BCA has taken the following steps:

  • Develop a Climate Change Strategy roadmap;
  • Continue to develop a GHG inventory using the GHG Protocol Standard;
  • Improved the understanding of climate change sources and impacts on its operations and investments;
  • Increase the Bank's resilience to emissions and climate risk by monitoring climate-related investment sectors;
  • Prepare guidelines for customers and businesses to shift to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.

2. Agent of Change

The eco-friendly movement at the BCA office cannot be separated from the involvement of BCA employees. BCA has established Agent of Change (AOC) in representative offices/work units at the head office, regional offices, branch offices throughout Indonesia and also subsidiaries.

Agent of Change plays a role in implementing environmentally friendly culture and behavior in the office, such as saving electricity and water, sorting waste, developing e-learning green office & green lifestyle e-learning as a means of environmental awareness, and calling for an environmentally friendly movement through internal communication media and the company’s social media.

3.Green Office and Green Lifestyle

In support of environmental conservation and climate change mitigation, BCA has begun to manage energy consumption. BCA's Green office and Lifestyle initiatives include:

  • setting a schedule to gradually turn off the elevator
  • turning off lights during lunch hours for back office areas
  • using inverter air conditioners and LED lights
  • switching the use of 80gsm HVS paper to 75gsm
  • reducing electrical energy consumption, by using LED lights, setting operational schedules for air conditioners, lights, elevators, computers, and other electronic devices;
  • replacing air conditioners with more environmentally friendly ones;
  • utilizing renewable energy by installing solar panels in the office building;
  • implementing recyclable waste management through collaboration with waste banks in the vicinity of BCA buildings to encourage a circular economy in the surrounding area;
  • use of high efficiency water cooled chillers at Wisma BCA Foresta;
  • the use of portable tap water in some buildings to reduce the use of bottled water;
  • providing Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in several BCA buildings;
  • reuse of domestic wastewater from the sewage treatment plant (STP) and rain harvest tanks in several BCA buildings to reduce water consumption;
  • actively managing energy consumption such as electricity, water, refrigerant and fuel in BCA buildings through preventive and corrective maintenance.

4. Environment and Biodiversity Preservation

BCA contributes to supporting Indonesia’s flora and fauna conservation efforts, even though its business activities are not directly related to natural resources or biodiversity. This biodiversity conservation is very important in helping the environmental ecosystems and reducing emissions.

BCA's commitment and efforts to support environmental sustainability in daily banking activities will continue to be improved and carried out on an ongoing basis. None of BCA's activities directly utilize natural resources or damage the environment. Therefore, to date, no environmental complaints concerning BCA’s banking activities have been received.

Environmental Friendly Operations

BCA is continuously developing innovations to achieve environmentally friendly operations. Various efforts have been implemented to reduce negative impacts on the environment, including:

  • Paper usage reduction program
  • Energy efficiency program
  • Reduction of air travel emissions by switching to virtual meetings
  • Gradually implementing green procurement by integrating green procurement guidelines and GHG reduction aspects to create climate resilience
  • Improving the quality of products and services provided to facilitate customer access through digital banking
  • Implementing a digital workplace
  • Supporting environmentally friendly operations through green building concepts
  • Environment-based Bakti BCA program

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