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04 Feb 2022

BCA Organizes Wayang Comic Contest to Bring Millennial Generation Closer to Wayang

Jakarta, February 4th, 2022 – Legendary Indonesian hero Ghatotkacha, whose birth name was Jabang Tetuka, lived as a man who possessed super strength and amazing physical prowess, known for his catchphrase “muscles of steel, bones of iron.” The Gods blessed Ghatotkacha with superpowers when he was born to overthrow King Kalapracona, a tyrant who invaded the Heavens, or Khayangan in Javanese. Jabang Tetuka was thrown into the Candradimuka crater, along with magically enchanted weapons forged by the Gods to further enhance his superpowers. 

Ghatotkacha was given Antakusuma, an iconic vest that allowed him to glide through the air. Ancient magical relics were placed on his palms to give him extraordinary strength; Aji Brajamusti was placed on his right, and Aji Brajadenta on his left palm. With his superpowers, he became the guardian of the truth. 

Some people may be familiar with Ghatotkacha and other legendary characters from puppet-shadow plays (known as wayang kulit) or traditional ballet performances (known as sendratari). However, there is another way to introduce these characters to the millennial generation; comics. As such, BCA organized the Wayang Youth Festival, a short comic competition that allows participants to feature these legendary characters freely and creatively while preserving their traditional origin. More than 96 young artists participated in the competition and impressed the judges with their artwork. The judge was surprised when they found a beautiful short comic submitted by Skolastika Sacristie Angelic, the youngest finalist at seven years old. 

The judge panel was made of comic industry professionals, including Ario Anindito, comic artist at Marvel and DC Comics; Oyasujiwo, Senior Editor at Bumilangit Comic with more than 15 years of experience in Indonesian comic and animation; Sweta Kartika, a comic artist from Kebumen (Central Java) and a graduate of the Bandung Institute of Technology; and several other prominent figures such as Uniek Sampan Hismanto, Arie Dagienkz, Senthun Bhima N., Vanda Parengkuan, Didik Suryantoro, and Rudy AO. 

The Wayang Youth Festival is a culture and art event organized by PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) in collaboration with Sampan Bujana Sentra and fully supported by the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry to commemorate National Puppet Day on November 7th, 2021. 

Besides the short comic competition, the festival holds a Wayang Theatrical Dance Competition, where young dancers can participate in the Traditional Wayang Theatrical Dance or Contemporary Wayang Theatrical Dance Competition. Since its opening last year, the Wayang Youth Festival has brought together 25 groups with 431 dancers for the competition. The judge panel was made of experts in wayang theatrical dance, including Nanang Ruswandi, Irwan Riyadi, Ni Ketut Sukarni, and honorary judges Dr. Melina Surya Dewi, M. Si and Cyrillus Harinowo. 

On the festival’s final day, BCA and Sampan Bujana Sentra commenced Wayang Youth Festival 2021 Appreciation Night #BerkaryaDiRumahSaja, in a virtual conference on Friday (February 2nd). BCA’s President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja, BCA’s Commissioner Cyrillus Harinowo, BCA’s Corporate Social Responsibility EVP Inge Setiawati, and Sampan Bujana Sentra’s Director Uniek Sampan Hismanto were present in the meeting. Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto were also invited as keynote speakers. 

The appreciation night featured a wayang theatrical dance performed by KSATRIA, the talent show winner, and a digital wayang puppet show performed by puppeteer Danang Lawu Sulistiyono accompanied by gamelan orchestra by students from Surakarta Islamic Vocational Secondary School (SMKI Surakarta). Additionally, the event had a live short comic challenge and cultural talkshow involving Nusantara Institute’s Director Sumanto Al Qurtuby, young choreographer Bathara S. Dewandoro, and senior journalist Eko B. Supriyanto. 

"BCA remains committed to preserving Wayang as an Indonesian culture. We aim to initiate wayang preservation programs consistently to maintain Wayang as part of the world's masterpiece of intangible heritage as designated by UNESCO. Through the Wayang Youth Festival, we hope the younger generation will be more familiar with and understand the moral values of Wayang," said Jahja Setiaatmadja. 

"Through the Wayang Youth Festival, people will get to know and love the Indonesian culture, and they should be proud of their own culture. At Sampan Bujana Sentra (SBS), we would like to express our appreciation to all the winners and other participants. We hope this event will inspire people to preserve Wayang," said Uniek. 

BCA has initiated Wayang-related events, including Wayang for Student, Wayang Day, and Wayang Goes to Mall. These events had garnered more than 14,000 participants from different cities from 2012 to 2019. 

"BCA would like to thank everyone for supporting the event's implementation. Your efforts and hard work are truly inspiring. We hope the competition will open up more opportunities for those who wish to build cultural sustainability in Indonesia through various channels," said Inge. 

Wayang Comic Contest, BCA Encourages Millennials to Get to Know Wayang – BCA commenced Wayang Youth Festival 2021 Appreciation Night #BerkaryaDiRumahSaja in a virtual conference on Friday (February 4th). BCA's President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja, BCA's Commissioner Cyrillus Harinowo, and BCA's CSR EVP Inge Setiawati were present at the conference. The contest was organized to commemorate the 2021 Heroes Day last November.

Wayang Youth Festival 2021 Appreciation Night - The 2021 Wayang Youth Festival at the peak event. As a form of appreciation for the younger generation, BCA's President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja handed over a cash prize to the First Winner of the Wayang Short Comic Competition for Teens (February 4th). 

Wayang Youth Festival 2021 Appreciation Night - Melaney Ricardo (top-left), Bathara Saverigadi Dewandoro (top-right), Sumanto Al Qurtuby (bottom-right), and Eko B. Supriyanto (bottom-left) in chatting in the "Cultural Dialogue."(February 4th).


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BCA is one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia with the core business of transaction banking. BCA offers a full range of financial services in consumer, SME, commercial and corporate segments. As of December 2021, BCA has the privilege of serving 29 million customer accounts, processing around 48 million of daily transactions through a network of 1,242 branches; 18,034 ATMs as well as the 24-hour internet & mobile banking systems; supported by 24/7 Halo BCA contact center. BCA’s presence is complemented by a number of subsidiaries focusing on vehicle financing, sharia banking, securities, general and life insurance, digital bank, remittance as well as venture capital business. BCA is committed to building lasting relationship with customers, putting people first, and making positive impact on society at large. With more than 25,000 employees, BCA's vision is to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesia economy.

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