President Commissioner

President Commissioner

Djohan Emir Setijoso


Indonesian citizen, 83 yearsold, domiciled in Indonesia.Appointed as President Commissioner of BCA at the 2011 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of Bank Indonesia on 25 August 2011. Lastly, reappointed to the position at the 2021 Annual GMS for a 5-year term.


Djohan Emir Setijoso served as President Director of BCA (1999-2011), lastly responsible for overall coordination, Internal Audit Division, Corporate Planning, Finance & Accounting, and Corporate Secretary. Prior to joining BCA, he worked at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (1965-1998) with his last position as a Director; and President Commissioner of Inter Pacific Bank (1993-1998). In addition to serving as President Commissioner of BCA, he is currently active in various organizations.


Obtained a Bachelor’s degree from Institut Pertanian Bogor in 1964.


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/ or family relationship with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, and/or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During his career, he accumulated extensive experience in a variety of areas or assignments, including banking & financial strategy, banking supervision, internal audit, corporate banking, branch banking, and individual banking.