

Lianawaty Suwono


Indonesian citizen, 57 years old. Domiciled in Indonesia. Appointed as Director of BCA at the 2016 Annual GMS. Appointed as Compliance Director of BCA at the 2022 Annual GMS and obtained the approval of OJK on 22 April 2022.

Duties and Responsibilities

Director of BCA, responsible for Bank Strategy Management and Compliance Policy, Human resources, and Learning & Development.


She served as Head of the Human Capital Management Division (2006-2016) and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee (2007-2016). Joined BCA in 1991 as a trainee in the Management Development Program, and then appointed as Business Analyst in the Information Systems Division (1992- 1996), handling the Integrated Banking Systems Project for the Integrated Deposit Systems & Integrated Loan Systems. After handling Information Technology, she started a career in Human Resources, starting with an assignment to develop a Human Resource Information Systems.

She has held various executive positions in her career, including as Deputy Head of the Human Resources Division (2002-2006), Head of the HR Resourcing & Development Bureau (2000- 2002), Head of Management Development Program Bureau & Head of Career Development Bureau (1999-2000), Head of HR Operations Systems & Support Bureau (1998-1999), and Head of HR Operations Support (1996-1998). In 2014 up to July 2016, she also served as President Commissioner of PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA.


Graduated with a degree in Business Information Computing Systems from San Francisco State University, California, USA.


No financial relationship, stock ownership relationship, and/or family relationship with members of the Board of Commissioners, fellow member of the Board of Directors, and/ or the controlling shareholders of BCA.

Concurrent Position

Does not have concurrent positions in companies or other institutions in accordance with the prevailing OJK Regulations.


During her career, she accumulated extensive experience in various areas and assignments, including in human capital management, talent management, corporate culture, employee training & development, information system & technology, and compliance.