Data Update now becomes easier and more convenient. Update your data and enjoy
a better transaction experience.
About the Product
To improve service quality and ensure safe and convenient transactions for
customers, banks need to have complete, accurate, and up-to-date customer
information (LAKU).
When to update BCA Data?
Customers need to update their data regularly.
Changes to Personal Information
If there are changes to personal information such as address, phone number, marital status, employment status, or other data.
Identity Document Changes
If there is a change in personal data on an expired identity card or passport.
Notification from the Bank
If any customer data is incomplete, not up-to-date, not suitable, or inconsistent, the Bank may send a notification to the customer to update the data.
What types of customer data need updating?
Photos and documents (a photo of yourself, documents, and signatures).
Personal identification (as indicated in the identity document).
Contact (home phone number).
Employment data (occupation, office address, and office phone number).
Tax data.
Customer approval data for product offerings.
How do I update my data?
Customers can update their data through:
Halo BCA application.
Getting notification from myBCA.
Visit the nearest BCA branch.
What happens if I don’t update my data?
Accuracy and suitability of information for the authorities and regulators
in the financial services sector.
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di luar yang tidak terafiliasi dengam BCA dan mungkin
memiliki tingkat sekuriti yang berbeda. BCA tidak bertanggung jawab
dan tidak mendukung, menjamin, mengendalikan konten, mengendalikan
ketersediaan dan perspektif atas produk-produk atau layanan-layanan
yang ditawarkan atau dinyatakan oleh website tersebut.