06 May 2021 | Edukatips

The Importance of BCA ID for Your Transactions

*Update : 1 Mar 2024

BCA ID is the main gate to access all of your BCA accounts and enjoy our banking services. Opening an e-Deposito, checking e-Statement, and importing transfer data on myBCA, to make mutual funds, bonds, and insurance investments on Welma, require BCA ID.

Learn more about BCA ID and tips on how to use it.

What is BCA ID?

  • BCA ID is a single user ID to access BCA digital platforms you can create by yourself.
  • Currently, BCA ID can be used to access and make financial and non-financial transactions on myBCA and Welma
  • BCA ID may composes of both numbers and letters with a minimum 6 characters and maximum 21 characters.
  • BCA ID password consists of a combination of numbers, lowercase, and uppercase letters, with a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 24 characters. It can also include special characters.

Things you must know about BCA ID:

  • You can have several BCA IDs.
  • One BCA ID can only be linked to one email.
  • One BCA ID can be linked to a BCA bank account or all of your BCA bank accounts.
  • One bank account or credit card account can only be linked to one BCA ID.
  • To make transactions/use account features, BCA ID must be connected to a minimum of one bank account.
  • Eligible accounts to be connected to a BCA ID are, among others, savings accounts, such as Tahapan, Tapres, Tahapan Gold, Tahapan Xpresi, or Giro Perorangan Rupiah. BCA ID can also be connected to BCA Credit Card, loan, deposit, investment, and Tahapan Berjangka. BCA Joint Accounts with the type "or" between individuals can be connected to myBCA, check the tutorial here.
  • BCA ID must already be connected to an e-banking phone number which has financial facilities to make financial transactions on mobile myBCA (automatic for financial BCA mobile).
  • BCA ID must be connected to KeyBCA to make financial transactions on myBCA website (automatic when registering KlikBCA).
  • Registration for new BCA ID or myBCA login on a new device will require further verification with face biometric and OTP code via myBCA as well as by contacting Halo BCA or visiting BCA Branch Office.

Tips on BCA ID.

  • BCA ID is a user ID you must create, it is not a debit card number or account number, it is also not mobile BCA or KlikBCA user IDs.
  • Do not be careless in creating BCA ID username, so it will not be difficult to access BCA e-channel services.
  • Create BCA ID password and Transaction PIN using a combination of letters and numbers easy to remember. But, make sure it is hard to guess by others.
  • Avoid using easy combinations, such as birth date, number sequences like 123456, or repetition such as 11122.
  • It is important to protect your personal banking data, including BCA ID and password. Your data is your secret.

Now you know all about BCA ID. Create a BCA ID to make your transactions experience better and easier. It is easy, you just have to register on myBCA or Welma.

How to create BCA ID on myBCA

  • Download myBCA app/enter myBCA website
  • Select Registrasi
  • Enter a BCA ID username, email address, and password, click Lanjut
  • Enter ATM card number, click Lanjut
  • If you have m-BCA, enter your m-BCA PIN, and then click Lanjut
  • Check your email for BCA ID activation
  • Complete verification to use myBCA app by face biometric and OTP code via myBCA or contacting Halo BCA di 1500888 or via Halo BCA app.

Don’t forget to share this information to your friends!

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