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Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (Electronic Payment Instruction)

Support your business transaction efficiency

Why Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (Electronic Payment Instruction)?

Cost efficiency

Reduce transaction administration costs


No need for physical documents


Any changes or cancelation of transactions must be approved by the recipient

Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (Electronic Payment Instruction)

About Important Information Fees and Limits Terms and Conditions Get the Product


In line with the rapid growth of business and the development of the digital era, banking technology support is needed for more seamless transactions. Therefore, BCA accommodates the needs of BCA Customers who require flexibility and quick service. Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) is an instruction to transfer a certain amount of money on a future effective date specified by the sending customer through a BCA banking facilities which can be modified or canceled by the sending customer with the approval of the receiving customer.


Can be transacted anytime as IBE is accessed through KlikBCA Bisnis
Receiving and sending customers of IBE will receive transaction information via email notification
Increase transparency because every transaction is clearly recorded and increase accountability

Important Information

Requirements and Procedure

  • The customer is either an individual or a non-individual customer.
  • The customer is not currently listed on the National Blacklist (DHN), BCA Blacklist (DHB), or Extended DHB.
  • The customer has a BCA account with the following criteria as a source account for IBE funds:
    • Denominated in Rupiah
    • Account types: Tahapan, Tahapan Gold, Tapres, and Rupiah Current Account
    • Not a joint account
    • Not an account held by a trustee/ guardian
  • The customer has a KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB) whose source account is registered as a KBB operational account and the source account owner is the owner of the KBB.
  • The customer must fill out and agree to the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) service application form in accordance with the following provisions:
Customer Type Source Account Registration Branch for IBE Funds
Individual The nearest BCA Branch
Non-individual BCA Branch where the KBB applies (KBB Coordinator Branch)

The customer can ask questions and lodge complaints via the following:

Contact Us:

Halo BCA 1500888

Halo Layanan KlikBCA Bisnis 1500777


WA: +628111500998


Social Media

Facebook    : GoodLife BCA

Instagram   : @goodlifebca

Youtube : Solusi BCA

X (Twitter)     : @BankBCA

Features, Benefits, and Risks of Current Account


  • IBE transactions can be made for funds transfers to other BCA Accounts with an effective date no earlier than 1 (one) calendar day up to 3 (three) years after the IBE transaction is made via KlikBCA Bisnis (KBB).
  • Both the sending customer and the receiving customer can view the IBE transactions that have been made, will be received, and/or have been received via KBB or by contacting Halo BCA.
  • For an IBE transaction that has been made and is still in "Pending" status, the sending customer can make a request to modify the IBE transaction, which may include changing the effective date and/or canceling the IBE transaction that has been made. Any modification to and/or cancellation of an IBE transaction will only take effect if the receiving customer has approved it.
  • The sending customer can request a modification and/or cancellation to an IBE transaction no later than 1 calendar day from the effective date of the IBE transaction. The request for a modification to and/or cancellation of an IBE transaction can be made up to a maximum of 3x for each transaction. The request to modify/cancel an IBE transaction cannot be submitted again if the previous request has not been authorized/has not expired.
  • The sending customer can authorize a modification and/or cancellation to an IBE transaction, whether approving or rejecting the request, by using KBB or visiting the nearest BCA Branch. The authorization is given a maximum of 5 calendar days after the date of modification and/or cancellation request of an IBE transaction or 1 calendar day before the effective date of the IBE (whichever is earlier). If the receiving customer fails to give the authorization within the prescribed period, the request for modification to and/or cancellation of the IBE transaction will become expired.
  • For the Sending Customer
    • A payment solution that can boost the customer’s business partners’ confidence.
    • Ease of making payments on future dates.
    • Practical: no physical documents are required.
    • Obtaining an update on each IBE transaction via email notification.
    • Ease of monitoring cash flow.
  • For the Receiving Customer
    • A secure payment solution: authorization is required for any request to modify and/or cancel an IBE transaction.
    • Practical: no physical documents are required
    • Obtaining an update on each IBE transaction via email notification.
    • Ease of monitoring cash flow.


  • If the modification to and/or cancellation of the IBE transaction requested by the sending customer is not approved by the receiving customer, the IBE transaction will be processed according to the original effective date.
  • An IBE transaction that experiences a debit failure due to an insufficient balance and/or a closure of the source account is referred to as a Null IBE transaction. In the event of a Null IBE transaction, the sending customer will be subject to the following sanctions:
IBE Transaction Amount Sanctions of Null IBE Transaction
< Rp 500 million IBE Notification Letter (SP IBE) and Null IBE transaction fee
≥ Rp 500 million BCA Blacklist Notification Letter (SP DHB), BCA Blacklist, and Null IBE transaction fee


    • If the IBE transaction repeat request fails again due to an insufficient balance and/or a closure of the source account, the customer will be charged again the Null IBE transaction fee.
    • A customer that has been given 3 IBE Notification Letters (SP IBE) will be assigned a DHB status.
    • If another debit failure occurs to a customer with the DHB status due to an insufficient balance and/or a closure of the source account, the customer will be assigned an Extended DHB status.
    • Each IBE Notification Letter (SP IBE) has a validity period of 6 months starting on the date of the IBE transaction debit failure, whereas the DHB status or Extended DHB status has a validity period of 1 year starting from the date of the last IBE transaction debit failure.
  • For each IBE transaction made, the sending customer is required to supply funds D-1 from the IBE transaction effective date despite having a DHB and/or DHN status imposed on the customer.
  • The sending customer can settle any failed IBE transaction. The IBE transaction can be settled in 2 ways as follows:
    • Repeat the transaction via KBB, which can be done from the Null IBE transcation date until the 6th working day after Null IBE transcation date and this can be done only 1x for every failed IBE transaction; and
    • Other forms of settlement that can be proven until a maximum of 7 business days after the IBE failure occurs.
  • The customer cannot request that the IBE source account be deleted if there are still IBE transactions that have not been effectively processed.


Below is a simulation of what would happen if the sending customer requests a modification to an IBE transaction such as modifying the effective date of the IBE transaction or canceling the IBE transaction.

1. Modification to the Effective Date of an IBE Transaction

IBE Transaction Scenario Authorization Type
Approved Rejected Not Authorized (Expired)
Amount Rp5.000.000 Rp5.000.000 Rp5.000.000
Transaction date 1) 2 May 2023 2 May 2023 2 May 2023
Transaction effective date 2) 12 May 2023 12 May 2023 12 May 2023
Transaction modification request date 3) 5 May 2023 5 May 2023 5 May 2023
New effective date requested 4) 15 May 2023 15 May 2023 15 May 2023
Authorization date of transaction modification 5) 8 May 2023 8 May 2023 -
Applicable effective date of the transaction 6) 15 May 2023 12 May 2023 12 May 2023
Date of successfully processed transaction 15 May 2023 12 May 2023 12 May 2023

Last update: February 28th, 2025


1) The date when the sending customer makes the IBE transaction.

2) The effective date of the IBE transaction made by the sending customer.

3) The date when the sending customer requests a modification to the effective date of the IBE transaction.

4) The new effective date of the IBE transaction intended by the sending customer.

5) The date when the receiving customer authorizes the requested modification to the IBE transaction.

6) The applicable effective date of the IBE transaction after there is authorization from the sending customer or has exceeded the time limit for authorizing the IBE transaction modification request.

2. Cancellation of an IBE Transaction

IBE Transaction Scenario Authorization Type
Approved Rejected Not Authorized (Expired)
Amount Rp5.000.000 Rp5.000.000 Rp5.000.000
Transaction date 1) 2 May 2023 2 May 2023 2 May 2023
Transaction effective date 2) 12 May 2023 12 May 2023 12 May 2023
Transaction cancellation request date 3) 5 May 2023 5 May 2023 5 May 2023
Authorization date of transaction cancellation 4) 8 May 2023   8 May 2023   -
Applicable effective date of the transaction 5) 12 May 2023 12 May 2023
Date of successfully processed transaction 6) 12 May 2023 12 May 2023

Last update: February 28th, 2025


1) The date when the sending customer makes the IBE transaction.

2) The effective date of the IBE transaction made by the sending customer.

3) The date when the sending customer requests a cancellation of the IBE transaction.

4) The date when the receiving customer authorizes the requested cancellation of the IBE transaction.

5) The applicable effective date of the IBE transaction after there is authorization from the sending customer or has exceeded the time limit for authorizing the IBE transaction cancellation request.

6) Date of successfully processed IBE transaction (if the requested cancellation is rejected or expired).

Additional information

  • If the sending customer settles a failed IBE transaction in another form of settlement, the sending customer is required to visit the nearest BCA Branch and provide the following:
    • Proof of the transaction settlement within 7 business days from the failed IBE transaction date.
    • A copy of both the sending and receiving customers’ identity cards.
    • A written statement bearing a duty stamp and signed by both parties that contains such information as the sending and receiving customers’ identities, the number of the failed IBE transaction, the amount of the failed IBE transaction, the date of the failed IBE transaction, the settlement date of the IBE transaction, and the form of the IBE transaction settlement.
  • If the customer wishes to terminate the IBE service, the customer may request that the IBE source account be deleted by visiting the nearest BCA Branch.
  • The BCA Blacklist (DHB) is a list of names of sending customers that are subject to sanctions for IBE transaction failures due to an insufficient balance or a closure of the source account. Meanwhile, an Extended DHB is a BCA Blacklist (DHB) that contains the re-inclusion of the sending customer's identity if within a period of 1 year since the sending customer's identity was included in the BCA Blacklist (DHB), the sending customer again makes 1 or more Null IBE transactions.
  • The National Blacklist (DHN) is a list that represents a compilation of Bank Individual Blacklists (DHIB) at Bank Indonesia whose data comes from the National Blacklist Management Office (KPDHN), available for access by Banks. In contrast, Bank Individual Blacklist (DHIB) is a list created by a Bank containing the data on Drawers of Bad Cheque and/or Bilyet Giro (BG) as established by the relevant Bank.
  • If a BCA Blacklist (DHB) or National Blacklist (DHN) status is imposed on the customer, the customer:
Customer Status Sanctions Imposed on the Customer
DHB Status
  • Will not be able to register the IBE source account;
  • Will not be able to make a new IBE transaction; and
  • Will not be able to order a new Cheque/Bilyet Giro (BG) book.
DHN Status
  • Will not be able to register the IBE source account;
  • Will not be able to make a new IBE transaction; and
  • Will be subject to other sanctions according to the prevailing provisions.
  • BCA is obliged to inform of any changes to the benefits, fees and charges, risks, including terms and conditions for this Product and/or Service by mail or through any means in accordance with the applicable law. Such notice will be provided at least 30 (thirty) business days before the effective date of the change.
  • These Personal Product and Service Information Summary (RIPLAY) for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) are made and signed in 2 (two) versions of languages, namely Indonesian and English. In the event that there is a discrepancy in interpretation between the versions of Indonesian and English then the version of Indonesian language shall prevail.

Disclaimer (important to read)

  • BCA has the right to reject the customer’s application for the product and/or service if the customer fails to meet the applicable terms and conditions.
  • The customer has read and understood the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) service as described in this Product and Service Information Summary.
  • This summary is simply a means of providing product and/or service information for the prospective/existing customer and is not intended as an official offer for a product and/or service.
  • The customer must read, understand, and agree to the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) service application.
  • The information contained in this Product and Service Information Summary shall take effect as of the printing date of this Product and Service Information Summary until the issuance of its latest update.
  • The customer must carefully read this Product and Service Information Summary before deciding to request the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) service and may contact the bank’s employee or call Halo BCA at 1500888 to inquire about all matters or file complaints related to the Product and Service Information Summary.

This summary has been adjusted to align with the laws and regulations in force including regulations of the Financial Services Authority. 

Fees and Limits

Fees and Charges

  • IBE transaction fee: Free of charge
  • Null IBE transaction fee is Rp 100,000 per failed IBE transaction.


Limit Type LimitExample (for 1 source account)
Frequency limit

50x per source account, constituting the maximum limit
  • As of January 3rd, 2023, 30 IBE transactions have been made. The remaining frequency limit is 20 transactions.
  • As of January 4th, 2023, 15 IBE transactions have been effectively processed. The remaining frequency limit is 35 transactions.
Amount Limit

Rp20 billion per effective date and per source account*
  • The total amount of 5 IBE transactions which will be effective on December 1st, 2023 is Rp15 billion. The remaining amount limit for the effective date of December 1st, 2023 is Rp5 billion.
  • The total amount of 15 IBE transactions which will be effective on December 2nd, 2023 is Rp8 billion. The remaining amount limit for the effective date of December 2nd, 2023 is Rp12 billion.


If an IBE transaction is processed via KBB, the nominal limit is subject to the limit set for the relevant KBB user.




  1. BCA Blacklist (Daftar Hitam BCA) or DHB means a list containing the identities of Sending Customers that are subject to sanctions for issuing Failed IBEs.
  2. Extended DHB means a DHB that will relist the identity of a Sending Customer if, within a period of 1 (one) year from the Sending Customer’s initial inclusion in the DHB, the Sending Customer issues 1 (one) or more Failed IBEs again.
  3. Banking Facility means KlikBCA Bisnis or any other banking facilities that may be provided by BCA in the future.
  4. Calendar Day means Monday through Sunday according to the international calendar.
  5. Business Day means a day on which BCA and banking institutions in Indonesia are generally open for business and conduct clearing activities in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations.
  6. Instruksi Bayar Elektronik or IBE means an instruction to transfer a specified amount of money to be processed on the Effective Date determined by the Sending Customer through a Banking Facility, and it may be subject to IBE Modification or IBE Cancellation, providing that the request therefor is approved by the Receiving Customer.
  7. Failed IBE means an IBE that fails to be processed due to insufficient funds in the Source Account or the closure of the Source Account.
  8. Reissued IBE means an IBE that is reissued by the Sending Customer with a new Effective Date due to a failure in the processing of the previous IBE with the same IBE number.
  9. Terms and Conditions means these Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik (IBE) PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA).
  10. Frequency Limit means the maximum number of IBEs that can be issued by the Sending Customer per Source Account.
  11. Nominal Limit means the maximum nominal amount of the IBE that can be issued by the Sending Customer per Source Account per Effective Date.
  12. Customer means an individual or a non-individual entity registered as an account holder at BCA.
  13. Receiving Customer means a Customer that receives funds from an IBE.
  14. Sending Customer means a Customer that creates an IBE.
  15. IBE Cancellation means the cancellation of an IBE by the Sending Customer.
  16. IBE Modification means a change of the Effective Date by the Sending Customer.
  17. Source Account means an account owned by the Sending Customer and registered by the Sending Customer as the source of funds for IBE.
  18. Effective Date means the date on which the IBE is processed by debiting the Source Account.
  19. Failed IBE Date means the date on which an IBE is deemed failed due to insufficient balance in the Source Account or the closure of the Source Account.


  1. Every Customer has the right to conduct an IBE transaction at BCA after registering their Source Account at a BCA branch office or through other means as determined by BCA in the future in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  2. The types of accounts eligible for registration as a Source Account are subject to the provisions applicable at BCA, which will be notified to the Customer from time to time in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  3. Accounts that cannot be registered as Source Accounts include accounts with the status of 'guardian', 'trustee', and joint accounts, whether categorized as "AND" or "OR."
  4. A Source Account can only be registered if the Sending Customer's identity is not listed in the National Blacklist (DHN), DHB, or Extended DHB at the time the Source Account is registered.
  5. Funds from the IBE can only be transferred to the Receiving Customer's account:
    1. that is held at BCA;
    2. that does not have the status of 'guardian', trustee, or joint account, whether categorized as "AND" or "OR"; and
    3. that matches the account types according to the provisions applicable at BCA, which will be notified from time to time to the Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  6. The Sending Customer cannot request the removal of a Source Account if any IBEs associated with such Source Account have a status of "Pending" or "Pending Recipient Approval." However, the Sending Customer may register other accounts as Source Accounts for future IBEs.


  1. The Sending Customer can create an IBE if:
    1. The Sending Customer has registered the Source Account;
    2. The Sending Customer’s identity is not listed in the DHN, DHB, or Extended DHB at the time of creating the relevant IBE; or
    3. the number of IBEs created by the Sending Customer has not exceeded the Frequency Limit and Nominal Limit.
  2. The IBE can only be created in rupiah.
  3. The IBE issued by the Sending Customer will be processed by BCA on the Effective Date. The Sending Customer assumes full responsibility for the issued IBE, even if the Source Account has been closed.
  4. The earliest Effective Date that the Sending Customer can select is 1 (one) Calendar Day and the latest is up to 3 (three) years after creating the IBE or making an IBE Modification.
  5. For every IBE that is successfully created by the Sending Customer, the Sending Customer will receive an IBE number as proof that the IBE has been duly recorded in BCA’s system.
  6. The Sending Customer must ensure that sufficient funds are available in the Source Account for each IBE that the Sending Customer has created, no later than 1 (one) Calendar Day before the Effective Date.
  7. The Sending Customer may request an IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation through a Banking Facility in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA no later than 1 (one) Calendar Day before the relevant Effective Date. Such IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation will only take effect once approved by the Receiving Customer, with the approval granted through a Banking Facility or a BCA branch office.
  8. The Sending Customer cannot request IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation for IBEs with a status of "Pending Recipient Approval."
  9. Any request for IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation that does not receive authorization (either approval or rejection) from the Receiving Customer within 5 (five) Calendar Days after the date of the IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation request, or 1 (one) Calendar Day before the Effective Date (whichever is earlier), will cause the request for IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation to expire.
  10. Any IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation that expires as stated in item C.9 or that is rejected by the Receiving Customer will cause the IBE to be processed as originally scheduled according to the previously set Effective Date.
  11. The Sending Customer may request IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation for the same IBE up to a maximum of 3 (three) times under the following conditions:
    1. The Receiving Customer has rejected the IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation request;
    2. The Receiving Customer has approved the IBE Modification request; or
    3. The request for IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation has expired.
  12. An IBE will fail to be processed if the balance in the Source Account is insufficient, the Source Account is closed, the Source Account is blocked, or other conditions prevent the Source Account from being debited, or for a certain reason, the destination account owned by the Receiving Customer cannot accept incoming funds, among other things, because the account is blocked or closed.
  13. In the case of a failed IBE, the Sending Customer may create a Reissued IBE via a Banking Facility, with a maximum timeframe up to the 6th Business Day after the date the IBE fails to be processed. The new Effective Date for the Reissued IBE can be set from the first Business Day after the Reissued IBE is created, up to the 7th Business Day after the date on which the previous IBE failed to be processed. The Reissued IBE can only be created once for each failed IBE.
  14. The Sending Customer cannot create a Reissued IBE if the IBE fails to be processed because the Source Account has been closed.
  15. The Sending Customer must ensure that the data provided in the IBE is complete, correct, and accurate. The Sending Customer is fully responsible for any consequences arising from incomplete, incorrect, and/or inaccurate data provided in the IBE.


  1. The Nominal Limit and Frequency Limit are determined based on the policies set by BCA and will be notified to the Sending Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  2. BCA reserves the right, based on certain considerations, to modify the Nominal Limit and/or Frequency Limit, and such changes will be notified in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.


  1. BCA will send an email notification to the Sending Customer and the Receiving Customer in the event of the following:
    1. The Sending Customer successfully:
      • creates an IBE or Reissued IBE; or
      • requests an IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation.
    2. The Receiving Customer approves or rejects the IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation request;
    3. The IBE Modification and/or IBE Cancellation request expires;
    4. The IBE or Reissued IBE is processed on the Effective Date (whether successful or failed).
  2. For the purpose of sending email notifications to the Receiving Customer regarding an IBE, the Sending Customer is required to register the Receiving Customer's email address when the Sending Customer registers the destination account number owned by the Receiving Customer.
  3. The Sending Customer must ensure that the registered email address is the correct email address of the intended Receiving Customer.
  4. All consequences arising from the failure or delay in sending notifications related to the IBE to the Receiving Customer due to the Sending Customer’s negligence or error, including among other things, due to the negligence or error in writing the Receiving Customer's email address or due to disruptions or other causes beyond BCA's control shall be the sole responsibility of the Sending Customer.
  5. If the Sending Customer does not receive an email notification on the day the IBE is processed, the Sending Customer must check the status of the IBE through the "View/Modify/Cancel" menu in the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik feature on the Sending Customer’s KlikBCA Bisnis.
  6. BCA is not obligated to store or resend email notifications that fail to be sent to the Sending Customer’s or Receiving Customer's email address.
  7. The Sending Customer hereby authorizes BCA to inform the Receiving Customer of the reason for rejecting an IBE, including, among other things, insufficient balance in the Source Account or the closure of the Source Account.


  1. BCA will charge a fee for each Failed IBE, the amount of which will be notified by BCA to the Sending Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  2. The Sending Customer hereby authorizes BCA to:
    1. debit the Source Account for the amount specified in the IBE (including the Reissued IBE) on the Effective Date; and
    2. debit the Source Account or any other account in the name of the Sending Customer at BCA for the Failed IBE fee or other obligations of the Sending Customer related to the IBE (if applicable).
  3. The authorization as referred to in item F.2. of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in force and shall not be terminated or revoked for any reason, including the reasons referred to in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Indonesian Civil Code as long as the Sending Customer still has obligations to BCA or the Receiving Customer under these Terms and Conditions.


  1. The Sending Customer’s identity will be listed in the DHB if:
    1. The Sending Customer fails to provide sufficient funds in the Source Account for the processing of 3 (three) different IBEs or more, each with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) within a period of 6 (six) months; or
    2. The Sending Customer fails to provide sufficient funds in the Source Account for the processing of 1 (one) IBE with a nominal value of Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) or more.
  2. BCA will issue an IBE Notification Letter (SP IBE) and a DHB Notification Letter (SP DHB) for Failed IBE that meets the criteria specified in item G.1 of these Terms and Conditions under the following conditions:
  3. Type of SP Description

    SP I IBE

    Issued to the Sending Customer if the Sending Customer creates their 1st Failed IBE with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) and the Sending Customer is not holding a valid SP IBE.


    Issued to the Sending Customer if:

    • · The Sending Customer creates their 2nd Failed IBE with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) and the status of SP I IBE is still valid;
    • · The Sending Customer creates 2 (two) different Failed IBEs on the same day, with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) each, and the Sending Customer is not holding any valid SP IBE.

    SP DHB

    Issued to the Sending Customer if:

    • · The Sending Customer creates their 3rd Failed IBE with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) and the status of SP II IBE is still valid;
    • · The Sending Customer creates 2 (two) or more different Failed IBEs on the same day with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) each and the status of SP I IBE is still valid;
    • · The Sending Customer creates 3 (three) or more different Failed IBE on the same day with a nominal value of less than Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) each and the Sending Customer is not holding a valid SP IBE or creates 1 (one) Failed IBE with a nominal value of Rp500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) or more.
  4. SP I IBE, SP II IBE, and/or SP DHB will be sent to the Sending Customer via email to the email address specified in the Application Form for the Instruksi Bayar Elektronik The validity period of each SP I IBE, SP II IBE, and SP DHB is 6 (six) months from the date of the relevant Failed IBE which forms the basis for issuing such SP I IBE, SP II IBE, and SP DHB.
  5. The listing of the Sending Customer's identity in the DHB, as described in item G.1 of these Terms and Conditions, is valid for 1 (one) year from the date of issuance of the SP DHB to the Sending Customer. The expiration of SP I IBE, SP II IBE, and SP DHB, as referred to in item G.3, does not affect the validity period of the Sending Customer's listing in the DHB.
  6. If within a period of 1 (one) year after the Sending Customer’s identity is listed in the DHB, the Sending Customer creates 1 (one) or more Failed IBEs, the Sending Customer’s identity will be listed in the Extended DHB for a period of 1 (one) year from the relevant Failed IBE Date.
  7. Cancellation of the issuance of SP I IBE, SP II IBE, SP DHB can only be done if:
    1. The Sending Customer has proven in writing to BCA (in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA) that the Sending Customer has resolved the Failed IBE which resulted in the issuance of such SP I IBE, SP II IBE, SP DHB with the Receiving Customer, among other things, by making a transfer, cash deposit, or Reissued IBE, within 7 (seven) Business Days after the Failed IBE Date;
    2. There is an administrative error by BCA in the issuance of SP I IBE, SP II IBE, SP DHB.
  8. Deletion of the Sending Customer's identity from the DHB can only be done if:
    1. The Sending Customer has proven in writing to BCA (in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA) that the Sending Customer has resolved one of the Failed IBEs with the Receiving Customer, among other things, by making a transfer, cash deposit, or Reissued IBE, within 7 (seven) Business Days after the Failed IBE Date;
    2. there is an administrative error by BCA in listing the Sending Customer's identity in the DHB.
    Notwithstanding these provisions, the deletion of the Sending Customer's identity from the DHB cannot be done if the Sending Customer has been listed in the Extended DHB, even if the Sending Customer has resolved all Failed IBEs.
  9. If the Sending Customer's identity is listed in the DHN, DHB, or Extended DHB, the Sending Customer:
    1. will not be able to request a Checkbook and/or Bilyet Giro (BG) book;
    2. will not be able to create an IBE;
    3. will not be able to register another account owned by the Sending Customer as the IBE source account.
  10. To avoid doubt, the IBE that has been created by the Sending Customer will continue to be processed by BCA even if the Sending Customer’s identity has been listed in the DHN, DHB, or Extended DHB.
  11. The provisions regarding the listing of the Sending Customer's identity in SP I IBE, SP II IBE, or DHB do not apply if the Failed IBE is issued to the Sending Customer's own account, where no third party is harmed.


The Sending Customer hereby holds BCA harmless against all lawsuits, demands, and/or other legal actions in any form for any delay and/or failure by BCA in fulfilling its obligations related to the processing of the IBE if the delay and/or failure is caused by events or causes beyond BCA's control or ability, including but not limited to natural disasters, fire, war, riots, sabotage, system disruptions, power outages, telecommunications disruptions, and government policies.


Subject to the provisions in item B.6 of these Terms and Conditions, the Customer may remove the Source Account that has been registered for the purpose of the IBE through a BCA branch office.


  1. The Sending Customer agrees that any dispute or difference of opinion arising out of and/or in connection with the implementation of these Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) between the Sending Customer and BCA will be resolved in an amicable manner.
  2. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved amicably between the Sending Customer and BCA will be resolved by means of banking mediation at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions established by the Financial Services Authority.
  3. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner, by means of banking mediation, and/or the mediation referred to in item J.2. of these Terms and Conditions shall be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to BCA's right to file any lawsuit or claim through any other District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


  1. Any complaints about Instruksi Bayar Elektronik can be lodged by the Customer with BCA through a BCA branch office or HALO BCA.
  2. BCA will respond to complaints in accordance with applicable law. Further information regarding complaint handling by BCA can be found at 


  1. BCA reserves the right to modify and/or supplement these Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA), which will be notified by BCA to the Sending Customer in any form and through any means in accordance with applicable law.
  2. The Sending Customer hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of these Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) as well as other provisions applicable at BCA.
  3. Any disputes arising between the Sending Customer and the Receiving Customer in connection with the implementation of the IBE will be resolved between the Sending Customer and the Receiving Customer without involving BCA.


These Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) are made and signed in 2 (two) versions of languages, namely Indonesian and English. In the event that there is a discrepancy in interpretation between the versions of Indonesian and English, then the version of Indonesian language shall prevail. 

The Sending Customer hereby confirms that the Sending Customer fully understands and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) and that BCA has provided explanations and sought confirmation from the Sending Customer of their understanding of the benefits, fees, risks, as well as rights and obligations related to Instruksi Bayar Elektronik.

These Terms and Conditions for Instruksi Bayar Elektronik PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) have been aligned with the prevailing laws and regulations including Regulations of the Financial Services Authority

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