
About Important Information Fees, Charges, and Limit Get the service


Outward Remittance transaction for more than 100 other currencies (not included in 16 main currencies). The transaction is in USD basis and will be received in local currency.

The received amount will be according to Multicurrency’s fixed daily FX rates. The transaction will be in USD basis & can only be transferred to currency country (e.g Taiwan Dollar to Taiwan).


Received in Beneficiary Country’s Local Currency

The transaction is USD-based and will be received in Beneficiary Country’s local currency.

Fixed information of the Rates

The final amount of the USD basis fund that will be transferred can be informed prior to the transaction

Important Information

For further information of Multicurrency exchange rate, please contact BCA Branch

Description Fees
Telex Fee IDR 50,000
Full Amount USD 20 (eq.)
Provisi in Lieu 0.125% x Transfer Amount
min USD 5 (eq.) – max USD 150 (eq.)
Provisi in Lieu (Bank Notes)*) 0.25% - 2% x Transfer Amount
min USD 10 (eq.)

*) The in Lieu Provision fee of banknotes source of fund shall follow the applicable terms and conditions relating to currency, denomination, and condition of the banknotes.

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