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Local Currency Transaction
Local Currency Transaction
Local Currency Transaction
Outward Remittance service transaction to Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and China settled using the respective local currencies of the related countries, Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Thai Baht (THB), Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Yuan (CNY), or Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), which is more convenient and gives you more benefits to your trade of goods and services transaction.
Wide scope of transaction purpose
Local Currency Transaction can be used for a wide scope of transaction purpose, i.e
Ease of transaction
Special Promo
*Telex fee cashback promo for LCT CNY applies only to transactions made via BCA Branch
Important Information
Information |
Currency |
LCT Transaction |
Transfer in foreign currency can only be transferred to all bank in currency Country e.G JPY to Bank in Japan CNY to Bank in China |
Transfer in Rupiah can only be transferred to ACCD1) Bank in China, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand |
Amount per transaction for Underlying Document Requirement of Foreign Currency Transaction (Buy/Sell) |
> USD 500,000 (eq.) |
≥ USD 200,000 (eq.) |
- |
Amount per transaction for Underlying Document Requirement of Transfer in Foreign Currency & Rupiah |
> USD 500,000 (eq.) |
≥ USD 200,000 (eq.) |
Following the amount threshold of each LCT currency |
Cut-off time Value today2) |
09.30* |
12.00 |
12.00 |
12.00 |
15.00 |
1) Appointed Cross Currency Dealer (ACCD) is the Bank appointed by Central Bank to facilitate LCT transaction.
2) Value Today is fund received by the Beneficiary Bank on the same day. Value Today transaction is available before the cut-off time for each currency
*Value today service for JPY is not available on the e-Channel
Fees and Charges
Information |
Currency |
IDR to Japan |
IDR to Other Countries |
Telex |
IDR50,000 (transactions via branch) |
Value today |
IDR30,000 |
Full amount3) |
Min. JPY 3.000*) |
USD 10 (eq.) **) |
USD 25 (eq.) |
Min. JPY 4.000 ***) |
IDR 200.000 **) |
In lieu of exchange4) |
0.125% x Transfer Amount |
Flat USD 5 |
- |
*) Full amount fee of Min. 3,000 JPY is only for transactions to ACCD Bank as follows:
**) Specifically transaction using KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated Solution (KBB-IS), transaction fee for full amount is eq. USD 25.
***) Specifically transaction using KlikBCA Bisnis Integrated Solution (KBB-IS), transaction fee for full amount is min. JPY 3,000.
3) Full amount is transaction received in full by the Beneficiary.
4) In lieu of exchange is the fee charged if the currency’s source of fund is the same as the currency of the transaction.
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