For Customer
Up To 20% Off
Terms and Conditions:
- Diskon 20% for transacation using BCA Credit Card Platinum, BCA JCB/Mastercard/Visa Black, BCA UnionPay & BCA American Express Platinum
- Diskon 15% for transaction using QRIS via myBCA/BCA mobile/Sakuku, Debit BCA dan Credit Card BCA
- Valid for minimum transactions IDR600,000
- Valid for maximum discount IDR2,000,000
- Valid for Cicilan BCA 0% for 3 or 6 months Tenure
- Valid for scaling treatment , bleaching dan filling (tambal gigi)
- Valid only for reservation via official Dent Smile Whatsapp +62 852-8009-8125
- Promo cannot be combined with other promotions