13 Mar 2025 | News & Features

An Upcoming Change regarding the Handling of Printed Monthly Statements which Failed to be Delivered

Dear BCA Customers,

Effective from 8 May 2025, there will be a change regarding the handling of printed monthly statements of Current Account, BCA Dollar, and Tapres owners, which failed to be delivered.

The change will be as thus:

Before After
  • Printed monthly statements which fail to be delivered to customers’ addresses are saved by BCA for a maximum period of 3 months
  • If the monthly statement fails to be delivered to customers’ addresses for 3 consecutive months (returned 3x), BCA will not send any more printed statements to the customer
  • Printed monthly statements which fail to be delivered to customers’ addresses are saved by BCA for a maximum period of 1 month
  • For the next period, BCA serves the right not to send any more printed statements to customers

For customers who want to access their monthly statements digitally, can still download their account’s e-Statements via myBCA (application and website), KlikBCA, or KlikBCA Bisnis.

How to download Account e-Statement via myBCA application or website

First method, via myBCA application or website:

  1. Login to myBCA with BCA ID
  2. Choose the “e-Statement” feature (myBCA website users can also access it via “My Account” and then choose “e-Statement”)
  3. Choose “Savings & Giro”
  4. Choose Account Number and the time period of the e-Statement that you want to download
  5. On myBCA application, choose “Show”; on myBCA website, choose “Save”
  6. Save the e-Statement in your intended folder on your device

Second method, via myBCA application:

  1. Login to myBCA with BCA ID
  2. Choose Account Transactions and the Account Number that you want to see
  3. Choose the e-Statement button on the right side of the Search field
  4. Choose the Account Number and the time period of the e-Statement that you want to download
  5. Choose “Show”

How to download Account e-Statement via KlikBCA

  1. Login with KlikBCA User ID
  2. Choose the e-Statement menu
  3. Then choose “Savings & Giro”
  4. Choose Account Number and the time period of the e-Statement that you want to download
  5. Choose “Save”
  6. Save the e-Statement in your intended folder on your device

How to download Account e-Statement via KlikBCA Bisnis

  1. Login with KlikBCA Bisnis User ID and Corporate ID
  2. Choose the “Account Information”
  3. Choose the “e-Statement”
  4. Choose Account Number and the time period of the e-Statement that you want to download
  5. Choose “Download”
  6. Save the e-Statement in your intended folder on your device

For BCA Customers who want to update their data (including delivery address) or get more information, can contact Halo BCA 1500888, or toll-free via the “Help Center” feature on myBCA or haloBCA application.