12 Sep 2023 | News & Features

Mutual Fund Investment Is More Affordable on myBCA Application!

Investment is one way that can be done to prepare for the future. Investments is done to meet various needs, starting from short-term needs (such as travel budgets, concerts, liquid emergency funds), medium-term needs (such as preparing a down payment for a house, preparing children's school funds) and long-term needs (such as retirement funds).

Even though many Indonesian people are aware of the importance of investing, not a small number have the perception that investing is done after a sizable amount of funds has been collected. However, don't worry, since 26th September 2023 Mutual Fund investments in myBCA application have become even more affordable, starting from IDR 10,000! Complete information, as follows:

Product Type Minimum Transaction (Starting From)
Before Since 26 September 2023

IDR Mutual Fund

IDR100 Thousand

IDR10 Thousand

USD Fixed Income Mutual Funds



USD Equity Sharia Mutual Fund (Offshore)

First purchase USD10,000 and USD5,000 for next purchase

The first purchase USD10,000 and USD100 for next purchase

Mutual Fund is an attractive investment product for novice investors, because they can be invested in a relatively affordable amount, and are managed professionally by an Investment Manager. Uniquely, because Mutual Fund consists of various types, this product is also attractive to advanced investors. Apart from that, Mutual Funds are not subject to tax, so they are an attractive investment for investors.

What are you waiting for? Let’s download myBCA and register investor data (Single Investor Identification/ SID) from now, for affordable investment. For further information, contact Halo BCA 1500 888 extension 4 for investment services or mention BCA Twitter: @HaloBCA.