“Nurut Apa Kata Mama” is a collaborative web series between BCA and Imajinari featuring Ernest Prakasa as producer and Muhadkly Acho as director.
This web series is the company’s way of sending educational messages about BCA’s products and services as well as anti-fraud. It is expected to be entertaining and educate the public in a light-hearted and relatable way.
The web series narrates the life of the Nyoto family, which consists of Father (played by Arif Didu), Mother (played by Asri Welas), Grandma (played by Rohana), Daughter named Icha (played by Shenina), Jejen the household assistant (played by Aci Resti), and Roy the Bakso seller (played by Yono Bakrie). The web series will be aired regularly every Tuesday on Solusi BCA’s YouTube channel, with a total of 8 episodes. The first episode will air on July 25, 2023.
You can watch it by clicking the button below!