14 Dec 2022 | News & Features

Online Shopping without a Physical Card is Made Simpler with BCA mobile!

There’s a good news for BCA mobile users who want to do an online transaction, but do not have a physical debit card yet or simply do not have it at hand to check the card’s details.

Now, card details such as Card Number, Valid Thru, and CVV/CVC now can be checked digitally via BCA mobile.

Just open the “Akun Saya” menu, then choose “Lihat Detail Kartu” and input m-BCA PIN. The card details can be used when inputting a debit card number when doing an online transaction.

Don’t forget that those card details are secret, so don’t share the details to anyone else without any exception, especially to unknown people. For more information, go to Checking BCA Debit Card Information on BCA mobile