14 Nov 2022 | News & Features

Better Surgery and Treatment Processes Thanks to Health Protection Benefits

Based in Madiun, East Java, Rikki Sinatra (42), an entrepreneur and a Bank BCA customer, has decided to have health insurance since 2020. With the help of AIA Bancassurance Life Consultant (“BLC”), Rikki chose the Maxi Protection with Premier Hospital and Surgical Plus rider.

Rikki has life insurance that offers the main benefits of life protection and the additional benefits of health protection. The benefits of the PHS Plus coverage came in handy when Rikki was unexpectedly diagnosed with gallstones (cholelithiasis) and had to undergo surgery in 2021. 

“When I was diagnosed with gallstones, I immediately remembered the AIA Health Insurance I have. I had doubts at first whether the costs of the treatment would be fully borne by AIA or not. After seeking further information, AIA ensured that all hospital expenses and medical procedures would be fully covered. Only then, I am ready to be sent to the operation table,” said Rikki.

Rikki also shared his experience during the treatment process at the hospital. “I was very impressed with the ease of admission processes and the facilities I received at the hospital. I came to the hospital, showed my AIA insurance card, and got medical treatment and care that required me to stay at the hospital. I was also admitted into a private room with a comfortable bed. The total cost for 3-day inpatient care was almost IDR 100 million. When I got dismissed, I didn’t pay anything,” said Rikki.

In addition to health benefits from the Premier Hospital and Surgical Plus rider, the Maxi Protection also offers life insurance benefits, providing coverage if the Insured dies. The comprehensive benefits that Maxi Protection offers moved him to get insurance for his family. “Death is an inevitable realization. And I don’t want to leave my family with nothing, and for that reason, I am considering buying a life insurance product.”

Thanks to his experience, Rikki wants to build public awareness of how important it is to have insurance as a tool to alleviate financial burdens should unexpected life events that will cost lots of money occur. 

Do you want to enjoy the same benefits Rikki is enjoying? Find out more information about AIA insurance products through AIA BLC at BCA branches or via Welma.

Disclaimer: This insurance product is a product of PT AIA FINANCIAL (“AIA”) and is not the product and responsibility of PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. (“BCA”). BCA only acts as a reference party for AIA insurance products. This insurance product is not guaranteed by BCA and is not included in the coverage of the guarantee program as referred to in the statutory provisions regarding deposit insurance institutions.

PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. and PT AIA FINANCIAL are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority.