01 Nov 2022 | News & Features

API BCA Supports SNAP Implementation for Smoother Transactions

*Update 21 Agustus 2024

Easy Steps to Migrate to SNAP on API BCA Service!

What is API BCA?
API BCA is a service offered by BCA, designed to provide convenience in facilitating various financial transaction instructions.

Why Migrate to SNAP?
The API is stipulated in the Board of Governors Regulations Number 23/15/PADG/2021 on the Implementation of the National Open API Payment Standard (SNAP). To support this program, BCA has migrated several API BCA service to SNAP.

Need not worry if you have yet to migrate to SNAP because it can be done easily. Here are the steps for SNAP migration:

1. Choose the Testing and Verification Date
As an illustration before determining the testing time, the estimated time you need to test an API service is:

5 working days* x number of API sub services you have.


  • RTGS Transfers
  • SKNBI Transfers
  • Interbank Transfers
  • Transfer Status Inquiry

With a total of 4 sub-services, the development duration would be:

5x4 = 20 working days

*This duration is only an estimation, the duration you need may be faster or slower depending on the condition of the system you have.

Here are the API service testing and verification schedule options:

2. Complete SNAP Migration Documents
Complete the necessary documents for the SNAP Migration.
Documents required for SNAP migration can be found here.

3. Upgrade to SNAP-based API BCA
Upgrade your system that is already connected to the API BCA services to the SNAP-based API BCA.

4. Testing and Verification
Test and verify the SNAP-based API BCA that you have developed based on your chosen date! 5. Activate the SNAP API Service

5. Activate the SNAP API Service

Find more detailed information about migrating from API BCA to SNAP by clicking the button below.