2023-02-23 | Awas Modus

Tips for Safe Transactions Using BCA APOS EDC

BCA EDC machines are often found in various minimarkets, supermarkets, and other outlets. For those who don’t know, EDC (Electronic Data Capture) is a machine used by customers to make payments using debit cards, credit cards, or QRIS.

Now, you're going to see a new version of BCA EDC called EDC APOS (Android Point of Sales) BCA. EDC APOS BCA is an Android-based electronic banking device that can accept various types of payments, such as debit/credit cards or QRIS..

So, what are the differences between regular BCA EDC and BCA APOS EDC? What tips should be followed to ensure safe transactions?

Differences between regular BCA EDC and BCA APOS EDC

BCA EDC is a BCA electronic banking machine that can accept various types of cards and QRIS for payments.

BCA EDC is equipped with a PIN shield on the numbers, which increases customer security when entering the PIN for payment.

On the other hand, EDC APOS BCA is an Android-based electronic banking device that can accept various types of payments, such as payments using regular debit/credit cards by dipping the card or tapping it using a contactless card. Transactions can also be made using the QRIS displayed on the EDC APOS BCA screen.

On the EDC APOS BCA, the PIN numbers are entered on the touchscreen, just like a regular Android phone.

Here's the appearance of the EDC APOS BCA machine:

does not have a PIN shield like the regular BCA EDC. Therefore, you need to ensure security when using EDC APOS BCA so that others cannot see the PIN you enter or read your hand pattern while entering the PIN, which can be misused by others to steal your money.

As the anti-fraud generation, we must always maintain the confidentiality of our personal banking data, including when conducting transactions using EDC APOS BCA, which does not have a PIN shield.

Here are some security tips you can follow:


1. Cover the screen with your hand when entering the PIN

When entering the PIN on EDC APOS BCA, it is advisable to use your left hand to cover your right hand while entering the PIN. 

This prevents others from easily seeing your PIN or observing your hand pattern while entering the PIN. By doing this, you can maintain the confidentiality of your PIN when conducting transactions through the EDC APOS BCA machine.

2. Ensure your debit/credit card never changes hands.

Never give your debit/credit card to anyone else. Remember, the card contains personal data that you must keep confidential, such as debit card number, card expiry date, CVV/CVC code of the credit card, etc. Once the card is in someone else's possession, there is a risk of misuse by that person.

3. Change your PIN regularly

Make sure to use a random and difficult-to-guess PIN combination. Do not use PIN combinations that include your birthdate, license plate number, or phone number.

For high security, you can change your PIN regularly. If you forget your ATM PIN, contact Halo BCA at 1500888 or through the haloBCA application, which you can download from the App Store or Play Store.

4. Do not accept assistance from strangers.

Offering assistance from unfamiliar people is one of the common scams that occur at ATMs or EDC machines. Scammers offer solutions to customers who encounter problems while transacting at ATMs or EDC machines. In reality, they intend to misuse your debit or credit card. So never accept assistance from people you don't know. If you encounter a problem, it's best to call Halo BCA at 1500888 or use the haloBCA application, which you can download from the App Store or Play Store.

Those are the security tips for using EDC machines, especially EDC APOS BCA. Always ensure the confidentiality of your personal data for safer transactions at BCA Bank.

Stay updated by visiting www.bca.co.id/awasmodus to stay informed about current scams and receive education regarding transaction security. Also, don't forget to share this article with people around you to keep everyone safe.