When you make credit card transactions, you can choose to either pay in full or in installments. If you want to switch from full payment to installments with your BCA credit card, simply apply through the myBCA app.
Opting for BCA credit card installments can help you manage your finances and expenses better, allowing you to pay your credit card bills according to your ability. For more information, check out the following!
Terms to Change Credit Card Transactions to BCA Installment
The change of payment scheme to installments from myBCA applies to BCA credit card transactions that meet the following conditions:
- At least one transaction made using a BCA credit card, with a minimum payment amount of Rp500,000
- The BCA credit card should already be connected to the myBCA app
- Agree to the amount of BCA credit card installment interest during the change application process
- Willing to make BCA credit card installment interest payments each month of the proposed and approved billing
How to Convert BCA Credit Card Transactions into Installment using myBCA
You can pay with an installment plan directly when making a transaction at the merchant. However, it can also be converted into an installment plan on myBCA with the following steps.
- Log in to myBCA.
- Select My Account in the lower right corner, then choose Credit Card (or scroll down and select Credit Card).
- Select Info / View Info.
- Click the Installments button on the transaction you want to convert.
- Choose the Installment Period, then click Continue.
- Review the details, check the statement, then click Continue.
- Your request to convert the BCA Credit Card transaction to installments has been successfully submitted.
Please ensure your myBCA app is updated to the latest version to access this feature!
How to Check the Status of Credit Card Installment Application
If you applied to change your BCA credit card transactions to installments through the myBCA app, you can check the status of your application by looking at the Credit Card Information with the following statuses:
- Installment in Progress means that your application is being processed
- Installment Approved means that your application has been approved and your transactions have been successfully converted into installments
It is important to carefully review the approved conditions when changing your installment, especially regarding the payment amount, due date, and installment interest amount that suits your ability.
To enjoy the convenience of using myBCA, downloadit now through the Play Store or App Store!