22 Jun 2023 | Edukatips

The Full Offering Period of SBN ORI023 on 30 June 2023

Another Retail Government Securities (SBN) issued in 2023 is the ORI023 series. The offering period starts from 30 June to 20 July 2023. This bond is suitable for those who want to find short and medium term investments with relatively small and affordable risks.

This investment is also suitable for investors with a conservative risk profile.

You should find out more about this retail SBN before you start investing. Also, learn about the benefits of this investment for you to consider.

About Retail SBN ORI023

ORI023 is the fourth Government Securities issued by the government in 2023. Before that, there was SBR012 in January—February, SR018 in March, and ST010 in May. Like other retail SBNs, all Indonesians can own this investment.

However, the SBN ORI023 series is different. This series has two different investment tenors, namely 3 years and 6 years. The difference will be expressed in the code ORI023T3 for a 3-year tenor and ORI023T6 for a 6-year tenor.

The ORI023 offering period runs from 30 June 2023 to 20 July 2023. Following that, confirmation is on 24 July 2023 and Settlement on 26 July 2023. Settlement refers to a settlement date indicating that people who order during the offering period have been determined to be investors and coupon calculations have begun. The first coupon will be received by investors on 15 September 2023 (long coupon) and then every 15th of the month.

To illustrate the return, here’s a simulation of the calculation

ORI023T3, using a Coupon rate of 5.90% p.a.

Investment Value Coupon per month Tax 10% Nett Coupon/month






















  1. Maximum purchase of ORI023T3 is Rp 5 Bn per investor
  2. Calculated from [5.90% x 1/12 x Rp1 Million] x [Investment Value/Rp1 Million]. The amount of coupon payment shall be rounded in full Rupiah, provided that if it is below and equal to 50 cents, it is rounded to zero, while above 50 cents is rounded to Rp1.

 ORI023T6, using a Coupon rate of 6,10% p.a.

Investment Value Coupon per month Tax 10% Nett Coupon/month


























  1. Maximum purchase of ORI023T6 is Rp10 Bn per investor
  2. Calculated from [6.10% x 1/12 x Rp1 Million] x [Investment Value/Rp1 Million]. The amount of coupon payment shall be rounded in full Rupiah, provided that if it is below and equal to 50 cents, it is rounded to zero, while above 50 cents is rounded to Rp1.

Benefits of Retail SBN ORI023 Investment

Here are the benefits for investors who subscribe to Retail SBN:

1. Fixed Coupon

The return on retail SBN investment is a coupon paid monthly on the 15th until the tenor ends. However, if it is not a business day, the payment is made on the next business day without coupon compensation. The coupon value in Retail SBN is fixed. It will not be affected by the fluctuation of interest rates in the market.

2. Two Tenor Options

Retail SBN is a short to medium term investment product. For the first time, the government offers two return tenor options with a period of 3 and 6 years. This allows you to customize your investment according to the timeframe that suits you.

3. Affordable Minimum Investment

This investment product is available for all Indonesian citizens who want to manage and grow their assets. This investment value of Retail SBN ORI023 is also affordable, starting from 1 million. However, there is still a maximum quota for the subscription, which is up to Rp5 billion for ORI023T3 and up to Rp10 billion for ORI023T6.

4. Guaranteed by Government

The government guarantees the payment of coupons and principal of this investment by law. Not only that, the funds to repay the government debt are always provided in the state budget every year. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about coupon and principal payments until maturity.

5. Can Be Traded in the Secondary Market

The owners of Retail SBN ORI023 also do not have to wait until the maturity to get their capital back. These securities can be traded in the secondary market allowing them to change ownership. That way, you can get investment capital and use it for other needs.

6. Capital Gain Potential

As investors can sell ORI023 in the secondary market, the price of these Retail SBNs may increase. The increase may depend on the market demand for these securities. It is possible that the investor of this retail SBN gets a higher selling price and ends up getting a capital gain from the sale.

7. Collateral for Productive Credit

You can also use ORI023 as collateral for productive credit applications after the holding period or 1x (times) after coupon payment, starting 15 September 2023.

8. Easy Transaction

All purchase and sale transactions of Retail SBN ORI023 can be done online. You can start investing in this product through your smartphone. Use the Welma feature on myBCA which can be downloaded for free on Play Store and App Store. Don’t forget register your SID through the myBCA app. After having a SID, you can easily invest in Retail SBN during the offering period. In addition, you can also enjoy various investment transaction promos through myBCA such as Secondary Market Bond transaction fee-free promos, and Mutual Fund transaction fee-free promos. 

Happy Investing!