18 Oct 2022 | Edukatips

How to Invest in Mutual Funds and Secondary Market Bonds on myBCA

Mutual funds and bonds are popular investment products. With various risks, these two investment instruments offer potential profits that you can use to achieve financial goals. 

As banking technology advances, investing in mutual funds and bonds has become more convenient. In addition to going directly to the bank, you can buy mutual funds and bonds via an app in this digital era. You want proof?

As a BCA customer, you must have heard about Welma.

Yes, Welma is an investment feature on myBCA application that allows you to invest in Mutual Funds and Bonds online through an application.

How do I do it? Look at the steps to buy mutual funds and secondary market bonds on myBCA below:

How to Sign Up for Single Investor Identification (SID)

  • Log in to myBCA, and then click the Akun Saya menu

  • Select “Daftar Data Investor” on the Portfolio Welma

  • Select the type of SID to make: Reksa Dana & Obligasi/Reksa Dana only/ Obligasi only
  • Fill in the investor data on the Investor Data Registration form and learn about your investment risk profile.
  • Check the suitability of the data and tick the statements of conformity, and then click “Lanjut
  • Enter your transaction PIN for verification
  • Information on the results of the investor risk profile and select “Selesai”, your SID will be completed no later than the next business day

How to Buy Secondary Market Bonds on myBCA

  • Log in to myBCA, and then click on the Welma feature

  • Select “Obligasi Pasar Sekunder”

  • Select the Bond product to buy
  • Read the product details, and then click “Beli
  • Select the Fund Source Account, enter the amount you wish to buy and make sure to read the Info Memo and Terms of Purchase, and then click “Lanjut

  • Read and check the Statements, and then click “Lanjut
  • Enter your transaction PIN

  • The Secondary Market Bond purchase is successful

How to Sell Secondary Market Bonds on myBCA

  • Log in to myBCA, and then click the Akun Saya menu

  • Check the Portfolio Welma section

  • Select the Bonds product to sell
  • Click “Jual
  • Enter the Transaction Amount, read the Info Memo and Terms of Sale, and then click “Lanjut”
  • Read and check the Terms and Conditions, and then click “Lanjut
  • Enter your transaction PIN

  • The sale of the secondary market bond is successful

How to Buy Mutual Funds on myBCA

  • Log in to myBCA, and then click the Welma feature menu

  • Select “Reksa Dana”

  • Select the Mutual Fund product to buy
  • SelectFund Source Accountand enter the Purchase amount

  • For customers wishing to invest regularly, check regular, enter the date of the SIP, and purchase period, agree to the Prospectus, Fund Fact Sheet, and Terms of Purchase, and select “Lanjut
  • Check the transaction, read and check the Pernyataan, and then select “Lanjut

  • Enter the transaction PIN

  • The transaction has been completed

How to Sell Mutual Funds on myBCA

  • Log in to myBCA, and then click the Akun Saya menu

  • Check the Portfolio Welma section and select “Reksa Dana”

  • Select the Mutual Fund products to sell and then select Jual

  • Enter the amount you wish to sell, read the Prospectus, Fund Fact Sheet, and Terms of Sale, and then click “Lanjut

  • Check the transaction, read and check the Pernyataan, and then select “Lanjut
  • Enter the transaction PIN

  • The transaction has been completed

It’s easy and convenient to invest in mutual funds and secondary market bonds in myBCA, isn’t it?

Wait no more! Download myBCA and manage the investment that suits your risk profile.

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Read also : Cara Bayar dan Isi Ulang Berbagai Kebutuhan Melalui myBCA