Many people dream about owning a business. However, many face obstacles when trying to finance their own businesses. To address this problem, working capital loan can be a solution to finance the business of your dream. One of them is Multipurpose Loan (KMU) from BCA.
However, make sure to prepare the following prior to applying for KMU BCA:
1. Prepare the Business Model and Financial Projections
The feasibility study is the basis for the business plan, from which lenders base their decision when accepting a loan. Therefore, it requires a solid business model and financial projections.
2. Determine the Business Loan Amount and Tenor
Find out how much money your business needs based on the model you created. We recommend you to adjust the amount according to your ability to pay the installments. And then, determine the tenor that fits your need.
3. Fulfil the Requirements
Complete required documents. The documents required for KMU BCA include KTP, NPWP, Family Card (KK), Marriage/Divorce Certificate, and bank statements.
4. Use Collateral
Providing collateral helps increase your credibility when it comes to obtaining a secured loan. In asset-based lending, you must produce all required documents. If collateral is in the form of land or property, the documents required include a copy of the land/property certificate, IMB, and a copy of Land & Building Tax proof of payment. As for deposits, you may include a copy of bilyet giro (BG).
5. Good Credit Score
Credit Score is a factor used by the banks to determine whether or not to approve a new loan. It is determined from the credit history, which can be accessed through the SLIK (Financial Information Service System). If you have a good score credit, the higher the chance for your loan application to be approved. On the contrary, if your credit score is bad, you have lower chance of getting your loan approved. Make sure to always maintain your credit score by paying your instalments on time.
Once you prepared all the items mentioned above, you can apply for KMU BCA online here. For further information regarding KMU BCA, please click the button below: