10 May 2020 | Edukatips

Control BCA Mastercard Online Debit Transactions on BCA mobile

Online transactions are no longer a new thing these days. You can now do it even without getting out of the house. You can do it all by using Debit BCA Mastercard! Yep, that is right, you can now control all online transactions using Debit BCA Mastercard. From subscribing to movie streaming platforms, music, e-commerce shopping, and other online transactions, you can do it all. Also, you can control transactions’ security through BCA mobile. So, you can do all online transactions with zero worries.

The question is, “How to do it?” Well, sit back, relax and follow these easy steps! First and foremost, make sure you are an owner of a debit card with a Mastercard logo.

Make sure your BCA mobile financial feature is active. Then, update BCA mobile app and log in to m-BCA.

Tap "Akun Saya" menu

Tap "Kontrol" menu again

In the menu, swipe "Transaksi Debit Online". Voila! You can now use your online debit.

After the activation, you must register your phone number to receive OTP (One-Time Password, a 6-digit unique code sent in every transaction). It’s super easy!

Tap "Atur Nomor Handphone"

Choose the recipient’s phone number for OTP

Check the phone number and tap “Daftar”

Tap “OK” if your phone number is correct

Here’s how it looks when the OTP recipient’s phone number is active!

To control your online transactions, set your transaction limit!

In “Akun Saya” menu, tap “Atur Limit” then you may limit transactions based on your needs.

“How can I control the security?” Chill, at BCA mobile, you have full control of everything! From limiting transactions to blocking cards, you can do all that.

Last, but not least, mind the 16-digit card numbers, card expiration, and the confidentiality of the 3-digit CVC* number on the back of the card in every transaction.

*Card Verification Code is proof of verification in online transactions.

Easy, right? You can manage anytime and anywhere! With BCA Mastercard your online transactions are #DibikinSimpel!