1. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (hereinafter referred to as “BCA”) will provide KeyBCA at the request of the prospective KeyBCA Holder in physical form/hardware (hereinafter referred to as “KeyBCA Hard Token”) or in the form of application installed in smartphone (with certain operating system specifications) (hereinafter referred to as “KeyBCA Application”), at prospective KeyBCA Holder’s selection with the requirements as follows:
    1. the prospective KeyBCA Holder has any of the following accounts:
      • Tahapan;
      • Tahapan Xpresi;
      • Tapres;
      • Giro (current account); or
      • BCA Dollar.
    2. the prospective KeyBCA holder has identity card in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA.
    3. the prospective KeyBCA holder has registered for any of the following: BCA Internet Banking facility, web version of myBCA, BCA by Phone and/or other electronic delivery channels (hereinafter referred to as “BCA Electronic Banking Facility”). 
    4. If the prospective KeyBCA Holder intends to obtain KeyBCA Application, the prospective KeyBCA Holder must first:
      • register for an e-Banking phone number at BCA Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and/or other means determined by BCA which will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable laws;
      • register for the KeyBCA Application in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA (if the prospective KeyBCA Holder does not have a KeyBCA Hard Token yet).
    5. If the prospective KeyBCA Holder intends to obtain KeyBCA Hard Token, the prospective KeyBCA Holder must pay an administration fee for each KeyBCA Hard Token application in accordance with the rates that will be notified by BCA to the prospective KeyBCA Hard Token Holders in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable terms. Such fee will be directly debited from the prospective KeyBCA Hard Token Holder’s account.
    6. the prospective KeyBCA Holder have fulfilled other requirements applicable at BCA for the purposes of providing KeyBCA.
  2. After the prospective KeyBCA Holder registers for KeyBCA Application, the prospective KeyBCA Holder is required to immediately activate the KeyBCA Application within the period determined by BCA and will be notified in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable laws.
  3. BCA has the right to block the e-banking phone number of the prospective KeyBCA Holder if the prospective KeyBCA Holder is not successfully verified in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA or the prospective KeyBCA Holder incorrectly enters the One Time Password (OTP) 3 (three) times in a row.


In consideration of the provision of KeyBCA Hard Token or KeyBCA Application (KeyBCA Hard Token and KeyBCA Application, whether individually or jointly hereinafter referred to as “KeyBCA”) by BCA, a customer who holds KeyBCA (hereinafter referred to as "KeyBCA Holder") shall adhere to the following terms:

  1. Both KeyBCA Hard Token and KeyBCA Application at all times remain the property of BCA and BCA has the right to request the return of KeyBCA Hard Token or to terminate the use of KeyBCA Application by KeyBCA Holder if necessary.
  2. KeyBCA must be used only for the benefit of KeyBCA Holder and is not transferable in any way.
  3. KeyBCA must not be used for purposes other than for transactions as determined by BCA.
  4. KeyBCA Holder can only use 1 (one) type of KeyBCA token for 1 (one) User ID: KeyBCA Hard Token or KeyBCA Application and cannot use both simultaneously. However, the KeyBCA Holder may at any time change the type of KeyBCA token used by the KeyBCA Holder (from KeyBCA Hard Token to KeyBCA Application and vice versa) or change from one KeyBCA Application account to another KeyBCA Application account by following the terms applicable at BCA.
  5. KeyBCA Holder must maintain KeyBCA in good working condition including but not limited to replacing the battery if KeyBCA Hard Token indicates that immediate battery replacement is necessary or update KeyBCA Application in accordance with terms applicable at BCA. The KeyBCA Hard Token battery replacement cost shall be borne by KeyBCA Holder.
  6. KeyBCA Application Holder must select e-Banking phone number that will be connected to the KeyBCA Application if the KeyBCA Holder has more than 1 (one) e-Banking phone number.
  7. KeyBCA Holder must maintain the e-Banking phone number that is connected to KeyBCA Application and all consequences arising from the misuse of the e-Banking phone number shall be the full responsibility of KeyBCA Holder.
  8. KeyBCA Holder must at all times use its best endeavour to keep the confidentiality of KeyBCA Personal Identification Number/PIN by:
    1. Not disclosing the PIN to any other people.
    2. Not writing the PIN on a desk, or store it in mobile phone in a written form or in computer applications/gadgets or any other storage facility that may cause such PIN to be known by others.
  9. Any consequences arising from the misuse of PIN shall be the sole responsibility of KeyBCA Holder. KeyBCA Holder hereby holds BCA harmless from all claims, suits, and/or other legal actions of any kind from any other party or from KeyBCA Holder itself as a result of the misuse of PIN.
  10. BCA will accept and execute any instruction from KeyBCA Holder as a valid instruction based on the use of KeyBCA and therefore BCA has no obligation to examine or investigate the authenticity or validity or the authority of KeyBCA user or to assess and prove the accuracy and completeness of such instruction and therefore such instruction is binding on KeyBCA Holder, unless KeyBCA Holder can prove otherwise.
  11. KeyBCA will be blocked if KeyBCA Holder incorrectly enters the PIN 3 (three) times in a row.
  12. In the event KeyBCA is blocked because the PIN is incorrectly entered 3 (three) times in a row, KeyBCA Holder is required to do the following:
    1. if KeyBCA Hard Token is blocked, KeyBCA Holder must come to BCA branch office to replace the blocked KeyBCA Hard Token with a new KeyBCA Hard Token;
    2. if KeyBCA Application is blocked, KeyBCA Holder can perform reset PIN on KeyBCA Application.
  13. In the event that KeyBCA Hard Token and/or the mobile phone used to install KeyBCA Application are/is stolen or lost, KeyBCA Holder must immediately notify such theft or loss to the nearest BCA branch office during BCA business hours accompanied by a written statement signed by KeyBCA Holder in a form and substance acceptable to BCA. If KeyBCA Holder cannot directly come to BCA branch office, the theft or loss may be notified to Halo BCA. Furthermore, the e-Banking phone number that is connected to KeyBCA Application will be blocked (if KeyBCA Holder reports the loss/theft of the mobile phone that is used to install KeyBCA Application). Such e-Banking phone number blockage will result in the KeyBCA Holder’s inability to access BCA Electronic Banking Facility that is connected to the blocked e-Banking phone number. As long as the notice has not been received by BCA, BCA is not responsible for any transactions conducted with the missing or stolen KeyBCA Hard Token or the mobile phone used to install KeyBCA Application and KeyBCA Holder cannot request for a new KeyBCA.
  14. If KeyBCA Hard Token is damaged, KeyBCA Holder must notify BCA and deliver the damaged KeyBCA Hard Token for replacement.
  15. KeyBCA Hard Token administrative fee for either new KeyBCA application or replacement for the damaged, lost or stolen KeyBCA Hard Token is in accordance with the rate to be notified by BCA to KeyBCA Holder in any form and by any means in accordance with applicable terms.
  16. KeyBCA Hard Token holder hereby authorizes BCA to debit the account of KeyBCA Hard Token holder for the fees/costs incurred from the application for KeyBCA Hard Token, including but not limited to new KeyBCA Hard Token administrative fees and KeyBCA Hard Token replacement fees. This authority may not be terminated for any reason whatsoever, including the reasons as referred to in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Indonesian Civil Code so long as KeyBCA Hard Token holder still has obligations to BCA.
  17. KeyBCA Application holder is fully aware that there are certain transactions using KeyBCA Application that require codes to be sent via Short Message Services (SMS) such as KeyBCA Application provisioning and changing of PIN. In this regard, KeyBCA Application holder agrees that the cellular operator has the right to charge fees for sending the SMS to KeyBCA Holder, in accordance with the applicable terms of each cellular operator.
  18. If KeyBCA Holder incorrectly enters the KeyBCA Appli Response 3 (three) times in a row on BCA Electronic Banking Facility, then the relevant BCA Electronic Banking Facility will be blocked.
  19. If BCA Electronic Banking Facility is blocked because KeyBCA Holder has incorrectly entered the KeyBCA Appli Response 3 (three) times in a row, then KeyBCA Holder may contact Halo BCA to have the relevant BCA Electronic Banking Facility unblocked.
  20. All transactions conducted using KeyBCA Hard Token and/or KeyBCA Application, shall be the sole responsibility of KeyBCA Holder.
  21. Any complaint and/or objection from KeyBCA Holder with regard to the use of KeyBCA Hard Token and/or KeyBCA Application must be filed with BCA within a period of 3 (three) months from the date of the transaction.
  22. KeyBCA Holder may use KeyBCA Hard Token and/or KeyBCA Application only to authorize transactions as described in Section B.3 hereof. 
  23. For holders of a joint current account as well as joint Tahapan account for which the withdrawal can be made by either account holder (joint account with the “or” status), then:
    1. only one of the account holders (in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA) can use the KeyBCA Hard Token or KeyBCA Application to make transactions through BCA Internet Banking facility;
    2. each joint account holder can use the KeyBCA Hard Token or KeyBCA Application to make transactions through the web version of myBCA.
  24. Customer shall hold BCA harmless from any claims, lawsuits, and/or other legal proceedings of any nature in the event BCA fails to execute any instruction from KeyBCA Holder, either in part or in whole, due to events or causes beyond the control or the ability of BCA, including but not limited to natural disaster, epidemic, war, riot, system malfunction or transmission failure, damage to and/or malfunction of KeyBCA and/or BCA Electronic Banking Facility, power outage, telecommunications disruption, government policy, and other occurrences or causes beyond the control or ability of BCA to cope with.
  25. BCA has the right to block, cancel, recall or upgrade KeyBCA and/or block the account of KeyBCA Holder at any time, if KeyBCA Holder is no longer in compliance with the terms and conditions for KeyBCA Holder.
  26. KeyBCA Holder can remove the KeyBCA Application connection with BCA Electronic Banking Facility in accordance with the terms applicable at BCA.
    1. If KeyBCA Holder no longer wishes to use KeyBCA, KeyBCA Holder must notify BCA in writing of such intention and return such KeyBCA to BCA (for KeyBCA Hard Token) and/or uninstall KeyBCA Application. The termination of the use of KeyBCA applies:
    2. for KeyBCA Hard Token, since KeyBCA and the notification letter of termination of use of KeyBCA signed by the relevant KeyBCA Holder are received by BCA;
  27. for KeyBCA Application, since KeyBCA Holder uninstall the KeyBCA Application.
  28. While KeyBCA Hard Token status is "missing", "broken", "closed", or "non-active", KeyBCA Holder can still conduct transactions on BCA Electronic Banking Facility in the same condition as a customer who does not have KeyBCA.
  29. Any use of KeyBCA after the death of KeyBCA Holder, if any, is the responsibility of the legal heirs of the KeyBCA Holder.
  30. The use of KeyBCA is subject to the terms applicable at BCA and the terms and conditions governing all facilities and transactions covered by KeyBCA.
  31. BCA has the right to modify, supplement or replace these Terms of Service for KeyBCA Holder PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, which will be notified by BCA to KeyBCA Holder in any form and by any means in accordance with applicable laws.
  32. Evidence:
    1. KeyBCA Holder hereby acknowledges the validity, correctness or authenticity of any proof of transactions made by using KeyBCA and/or BCA Electronic Banking Facility and/or electronically transmitted communications between the two parties, including documents in the form of records stored in a computer/gadget or proof of transactions stored at BCA, tapes/cartridges, printouts from a computer/gadget, copies or other forms of information storage existing at BCA and admits that the above constitutes the only valid proof of transactions executed by BCA based on the instructions using KeyBCA and/or through BCA Electronic Banking Facility, unless KeyBCA Holder can prove otherwise.
    2. By conducting transactions using KeyBCA Hard Token or KeyBCA Application and/or through BCA Electronic Banking Facility, KeyBCA Holder acknowledges that all communications and instructions received by BCA from KeyBCA Holder will be treated as valid evidence even though they are not made in writing nor issued as a signed document.
    3. The use of PIN or KeyBCA Appli Response on KeyBCA Hard Token and/or the use of PIN, KeyBCA Appli Response or direct authorization on KeyBCA Application has the same legal force as a written order signed by the KeyBCA Holder.
  33. Dispute Resolution:
    1. KeyBCA Holder agrees that any dispute or disagreement arising from and/or relating to the implementation of these Terms of Service for KeyBCA Holder PT Bank Central Asia Tbk between KeyBCA Holder and BCA will be resolved by means of deliberation.
    2. Any dispute or disagreement that cannot be resolved by deliberation by KeyBCA Holder and BCA will be resolved through banking facilitation at Bank Indonesia or the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) or mediation conducted through Alternative Dispute Resolution Agency (Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa) listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Agencies established by OJK.
    3. Any dispute or disagreement that cannot be resolved either by deliberation, banking facilitation, and/or mediation as referred to in point b above, will be resolved through the Central Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to BCA's right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  34. These Terms of Service for KeyBCA Holder are made in Indonesian and English versions. In the event of any discrepancy between the Indonesian and English versions, then the Indonesian version shall prevail.

These Terms of Service for KeyBCA Holder PT Bank Central Asia Tbk ("BCA") have been adjusted in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations including regulations of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK).