Layanan perbankan aman dan nyaman

Why KlikBCA?


Complete transactions anywhere anytime without having to come to a branch office


Multi layered security protection using KeyBCA to ensure secure transaction and data confidentiality


Access through PC or smartphone for various banking transactions


About Important Information Fees & Limits Get the Service


Electronic banking service via the internet on a computer or smartphone.


Easy to use
KlikBCA Individu are designed to look like BCA ATMs for easy use.
Block ATM Card
Block your ATM card via KlikBCA if the card is lost.
Open Tahaka
Open Tahaka account from anywhere to save and make dreams come true.
Purchase investment products online through KlikBCA
Make transfers with large amounts via KlikBCA
Check eStatement
Enjoy the convenience of seeing your account mutation starting 2016

Important Information

Internet Banking BCA Registration

  • Every customer who has a savings account at BCA (“customer”) and holds a card that can be used to perform banking transactions at BCA ATMs (“ATM BCA Card”) is entitled to enjoy BCA Internet Banking facilities
  • To use BCA internet banking facilities, Customers must have a user ID (“User ID”) and personal identification number (“PIN”) for internet banking BCA obtained upon registration on ATM BCA machine
  • Customers can also register for the BCA internet banking facilities at the Branch Customer Service. For registration at BCA Branch Offices, the User ID will be sent to the registered e-mail address and the initial account access PIN is the ATM BCA Card PIN

Transaction with Internet Banking BCA

  • To conduct financial transactions through IB BCA, Customer must have a KeyBCA
  • Customer must provide accurate transaction information
  • For every financial transaction, the system will confirm data accuracy by providing the opportunity for Customers to confirm or ‘Cancel’'
  • In addition to User ID and PIN, Customer must enter KeyBCA code as financial transaction approval
  • Every information submitted by Customer and logged in BCA database is assumed correct, and accepted as proof that Customer intended for BCA to perform the financial transaction, unless Customer can prove otherwise
  • BCA will receive and process all Customer instructions as valid if User ID, PIN, and KeyBCA data is entered. BCA is under no obligation to investigate the authenticity or validity of the person using the User ID, PIN, and KeyBCA or to pass judgment on the propriety of the transaction. Instructions are legally bound to customer, unless Customer can prove otherwise
  • Customer cannot cancel transactions with same-day effective date after authorization by KeyBCa and confirmation “Submit” from Customer because BCA immediately processes these transactions
  • Customer may cancel transactions set for upcoming date by authorizing the cancellation using KeyBCA up until 1 (one) day before the transaction is due, at the latest
  • Transactions set for upcoming date or period is processed at the beginning of each day. Periodical transactions that fall on the same day as transaction expiration date will not be processed on that date.
  • Should transfer date determined for fund transfer to another local or nation bank account fall on a bank holiday, transaction will be processed on the next bank working day
  • For fund transfer transactions to other domestic bank accounts, if the effective date of the transaction falls on a bank holiday, the transaction will be processed on the next bank working day
  • Fund transfers using different currencies will refer to Telegraphic Transfer (TT) determined by BCA
  • For every successful transaction, BCA will provide customer with proof of transaction that contains transaction reference number
  • Customer is required to ensure sufficient account balance before transaction is processed by BCA
  • BCA reserves the right to deny transaction if Customer account balance is insufficient
  • Customer is required to ensure accuracy and completeness of transaction instruction. BCA is not responsible for consequences resulting from incompleteness, obscurity, or inaccuracy of instruction from Customer

Proof of Transaction

  • Every financial transaction instruction conducted by Customer is logged in BCA database in various forms, including, but not limited to, notes, tape/cartridge, computer printout, and electronic transmission between BCA and Customer, and considered to be legally binding proof, unless Customer can proof otherwise
  • Customer agrees that all communication and instruction from Customer and received by BCA is a legally binding proof regardless of the presence of written or signed document

Exchange Rate

Exchange rates, interest rates and other related information, including but not limited to, exchange quotes provided on BCA Internet Banking are only an indication of the actual exchange rates, quotes or information and can be changed at any time by BCA without prior notification

User ID, PIN, and Customer Responsibility

  • Customer must not leave IB BCA terminal when it is active (logged on). Customer is reminded to log out when leaving the terminal
  • Customer is required to secure his/her User ID and PIN by following the instructions below:
    1. Customer may not share his/her User ID and PIN with others in exchange for prizes or for other purposes, including to family members, friends, or colleagues to prevent unauthorized transactions using User ID and PIN, such as online item purchase or service payment
    2. Customer may not write his/her User ID and PIN on a desk, terminal, or other forms of safekeeping in writing or app to prevent information sharing with others
    3. User ID and PIN must be used carefully to prevent others from seeing
    4. Do not use IB BCA PIN provided by others or use numbers that can easily be attain, such as combination of birthday, phone number, etc
    5. Use a personal computer when accessing IB BCA. Do not use a computer accessed by multiple users
  • User ID provided by BCA is permanent and is not subject to change unless Customer wishes to close his/her BCA account. Customer is free to devise his/her own PIN number during registration at ATM BCA. Customer may conduct inquiries regarding forgotten User ID through IB BCA registration facility at ATM BCA. Customer is responsible for all transaction instructions using User ID, PIN, and Key BCA, unless otherwise proven
  • BCA reserves the right to provide User ID with a combination of letters and numbers without approval from Customer. Customer is obligated to notify BCA if his/her User ID and/or PIN confidentiality has been breached. All transaction instructions using Customer User ID, PIN, and KeyBCA before BCA received a written complaint is solely the responsibility of Customer. When replacing ATM BCA Card due to loss or damage, Customer will still be able to log in using the same User ID. When Customer is logging in for the first time using the new ATM BCA Card, Customer will be prompted to change his/her IB BCA PIN


  • BCA will send all IB BCA transaction information to the email used by Customer to register for the service
  • BCA will only send information to Customer verified email and BCA is not responsible for the validity of email address
  • BCA does not guarantee information security or data sent to an unregistered email associated with the IB BCA account

Fees and Authority of Debit Account

  • BCA reserves the right to debit monthly administration fee and transaction fee for IB BCA facilities used by Customer
  • BCA reserves its own judgment to change, add, or withdraw fees charged to Customer for using IB BCA facilities
  • Customer gives BCA the authority to debit monthly administration fees, transaction fees, and IB BCA facility fees directly to Customer BCA account
  • This authority ends when Customer has fulfilled his/her obligations to BCA

Blocked User ID and PIN Internet Banking

  • Customer User ID and PIN will be blocked if any of the following happens:
    1. Three recurring wrong PIN entry at log in
    2. Three recurring wrong KeyBCA code during financial transaction
    3. Customer requests ATM BCA Card replacement or reports loss of ATM BCA Card
    4. User ID and/or PIN confidentiality has been breached
    5. BCA suspects User ID and/or PIN confidentiality has been breached
  • Once User ID and PIN are blocked, Customer must contact Halo BCA and re-register for IB BCA service at ATM BCA

Force Majeur

Customer waive BCA from any and all charges that results in BCA’s failure to conduct partial or entire transaction instruction from Customer due to unforeseen circumstances including, but not limited to natural disaster, war, civil disobedience, technical failure, nonfunctional system or transmission, electricity disturbance, telecommunication disturbance, government policy, and other events or causes beyond the scope, reach, and control of BCA


  • Internet Banking BCA service will end once Customer terminates ATM BCA Card usage or close all accounts associated with ATM BCA Card

Fees & Limits

To accommodate its customer’s needs, BCA provides competitive limits and fees for each product and service. View the limits and fees for KlikBCA Individu and KlikBCA Bisnis below.

Description Amount
(Already includes VAT)
BI-FAST Fee IDR 2,500/transaction
Online Fee IDR 6,500/transaction
LLG Fee IDR 2,900/transaction
RTGS Fee* IDR 25,000/transaction
KeyBCA Administration Fee IDR 25,000
KeyBCA Replacement Fee within warranty period** Free of charge
KeyBCA Replacement Fee outside warranty period** or due to negligence IDR 50,000

* Per July 1st 2016, nominal value of RTGS transactions is greater than IDR100 million
** KeyBCA warranty period is 6 (six) months since KeyBCA is connected with terms of damage not due to customer negligence.

SMS Fee for registering to Domestic Bank Account number, according to operators are ranging between IDR 275 to IDR 660.

The LLG & RTGS money transfer transaction service cut-off time at KlikBCA Individu follows the service hours set by Bank Indonesia.

The cost includes fees charged by Bank Indonesia. Bank Indonesia's fees charged (excluding VAT) are as follows:

  • BI-FAST : IDR 19 (valid 1 April 2022)
  • KU SKN : IDR 1 (valid 1 April 2020)
  • RTGS (effective 1 December 2020) :
    • IDR 6,000 (Until 10.00 WIB)
    • IDR 15,000 (> 10.00 - 14.00 WIB)
    • IDR 21,000 (> 14.00 WIB) 


Transaction Limit Amount

Transfer from Rupiah to Rupiah

  • IDR500 million or the equivalent of IDR500 million per day per User ID. This limit is the combined limit of transfers from and to Rupiah, Rupiah to foreign currency, foreign currency to Rupiah, and from and to the same foreign currency.
  • In addition, this limit is also a combine limit of interbank transfers (BI-FAST/Online/LLG/RTGS) for users who have their phone number registered for e-Banking*)
  • Equivalent of USD 10,000 per foreign transaction to an account at another bank for Outward Remittance (OR) transaction.

Transfer from Rupiah to foreign currency

Transfer from foreign currency to Rupiah

Transfer from and to the same foreign currency

*) Phone number registration can be done at the nearest Branch or ATM BCA, online transfer maximum of IDR50 million per transaction.

For users who have yet to register their phone number, the limit of BI-FAST, online transfer & LLG is IDR25 million per transaction but the total transfer limit remains a maximum of IDR500 million per day.

Payment and Purchase



Telepon/Telkom IDR3.000
Listrik/PLN IDR3.000
Pajak/PBB IDR2.500 - Rp5.000
PGN IDR3.000
XL Pascabayar* IDR1,500
Telkomsel Pascabayar (Halo) IDR3,000

*) XL Prepaid payment fee of IDR1,500 also applies on m-BCA and KlikBCA Bisnis



PLN Prabayar IDR3.000
Pulsa Isi Ulang Telkomsel IDR2.000
Pulsa Isi Ulang Indosat Ooredo IDR1.500
Pulsa Isi Ulang XL/AXIS IDR2.000

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