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AIA Optima Cancer Protection

Optima Cancer Protection

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Optima Cancer Protection is a cancer protection solution with affordable premium options to suit your needs. Optima Cancer Protection also offers return of premium benefits if there are no claims within a specified period.

Protection Benefits

Early-Stage Cancer Benefits

Provided that during the Insurance Period and based on the Doctor’s diagnosis, the Insured is diagnosed with early-stage cancer as set forth in the Optima Cancer Protection Policy Attachment after the Waiting Period and Survival Period, the Insurer will pay a lump sum of the Early-Stage Cancer Benefits of 20% (twenty percent) of Sum Assured. This benefit is a one-off benefit payout during the Insurance Period for early-stage cancer diagnosis.

Advanced Stage Cancer Benefits

Provided that during the Insurance Period and based on the Doctor’s diagnosis, the Insured is diagnosed with advanced stage cancer as set forth in the Optima Cancer Protection Policy Attachment after the Waiting Period and Survival Period, the Insurer will pay a lump sum of the Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit of 100% of Sum Assured minus the amount of the Early-Stage Cancer Benefits that has been paid (if any) and subsequently this Policy expires.

Waiver of Premium Benefits

If the Insured is diagnosed with early-stage cancer during the Insurance Period, and after the Early-Stage Benefit approved, the Insurer exempts the Policyholder from liability for the next premium payment, starting from the next payment due date until the Insured passes away or the Insurance Period ends, whichever occurs first.

Death Benefits

  1. When during the Insurance Period:
  2. (i). the Insured passes away due to any cause other than the Advanced Stage Cancer and the Early-Stage Cancer Benefit has not been paid, the Insurer will pay the Death Benefit of 100% (one hundred percent) of total premiums paid and then the policy ends; or (ii). The Insured passes away due to any cause other than the Advanced Stage Cancer and the Early-Stage Cancer Benefit has been paid, the Insurer will pay Death Benefit of 100% (one hundred percent) of total premiums paid plus premiums waived (as referred to the Waive of Premium Benefit) until the Insured passes away and subsequently the Policy expires.

  3. Without prejudice to points (i) and (ii) above, if the Insured passes away during the Insurance Period due to Advanced Stage Cancer, the Insurer will pay the Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit, taking into account the exclusion provisions of the Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit.
  4. Death Benefit as referred to in letter (a) point (i) and (ii) above, is not payable if the Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit payout has been satisfied.

No Claim Bonus

  1. No Claim Bonus is payable if the policyholder has made full premium payments, the Policy is in force and no claim has been filed during the Evaluation Period, with the following conditions:
  2. Evaluation Period No-Claim Bonus (% of total premium paid)
    Policy Year 1 - 5 30% of total Premiums paid during the 1st - the 5th policy year
    Policy Year 6 - 10 70% of total Premiums paid during the 6th – 10th policy year
  3. Payment of No Bonus Claim (if any) for Policy Year 1 – 5 will be automatically made to the account by the Insurer within 6 (six) business days after the following requirements has been satisfied:
    1. The end of the Evaluation Period for Policy Year 1 – 5; and
    2. Premium payment for the next period has been received by the Insurer.
  4. Payment of No Bonus Claim (if any) for Policy Year 6 – 10 will be automatically made to the account by the Insurer within 6 (six) business days after the following requirements has been satisfied:
    1. The end of the Evaluation Period for Policy Year 6 – 10; and
    2. There are no arrears on Premium payment.
  5. If Insurance Benefit claim is submitted after the No Claim Bonus has been made, and the cause of such claim occurs during the Evaluation Period, the Insurance Benefit payout is minus paid No Claim bonus in said Evaluation Period.

Benefit Table

Insurance Benefits Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5
Sum Assured 150 million 250 million 500 million 750 million 1 billion
Early-Stage Cancer Benefit 20% of Sum Assured
Advanced Stage Cancer Benefits 100% of Sum Assured, benefit payout minus paid Early-Stage Cancer Benefit (if any)
Waiver of Premium Benefit Available after the Early Stage Cancer Benefit is approved by the Insurer
Condition Death Benefit
Death Benefit Early-Stage Cancer Benefit has not been paid 100% of total premiums paid
Early-Stage Cancer Benefit has been paid 100% of total Premiums paid plus Waiver of Premium Benefit
Death Benefit is not payable if the Advanced Stage Cancer Benefit has been paid.
Age Monthly Premium (Rp)
Plan 1 (Rp150 million) Plan 2 (Rp250 million) Plan 3 (Rp500 million) Plan 4 (Rp750 million) Plan 5 (Rp1 billion)
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
18 – 25 108.000 189.000 180.000 315.000 360.000 630.000 540.000 945.000 720.000 1.260.000
26 – 30 135.000 216.000 225.000 360.000 450.000 720.000 675.000 1.080.000 900.000 1.440.000
31 – 35 162.000 243.000 270.000 405.000 540.000 810.000 810.000 1.215.000 1.080.000 1.620.000
36 – 40 189.000 310.500 315.000 517.500 630.000 1.035.000 945.000 1.552.500 1.260.000 2.070.000
41 – 45 297.000 364.500 495.000 607.500 990.000 1.215.000 1.485.000 1.822.500 1.980.000 2.430.000
46 – 50 364.500 391.500 607.500 652.500 1.215.000 1.305.000 1.822.500 1.957.500 2.430.000 2.610.000
51 – 55 513.000 540.000 855.000 900.000 1.710.000 1.800.000 2.565.000 2.700.000 3.420.000 3.600.000
56 – 60 702.000 634.500 1.170.000 1.057.500 2.340.000 2.115.000 3.510.000 3.172.500 4.680.000 4.230.000

Term and Conditions:

  • Entry Age of Policyholder: 18 – 60 years old (policy holder must be the same as the Insured)
  • Payment Method: monthly auto-debit from Credit Card BCA Savings and BCA Savings Account
  • Answer all questions posed

Other Provisions

Optimum Solution for Protection against Critical Illness

  1. Issuer: PT AIA Financial
  2. Product Name: Optima Cancer Protection
  3. Currency: Rupiah
  4. Product Type: Critical Illness
  5. Product description:
    • Protection benefits against critical illness
    • Return of Premium benefits payable within a specified time if no claim has been raised
    • Plan starts from Rp150 million until Rp1 billion
    • Eligible for BCA savings and credit card holder
    • This product is offered through BCA Telemarketing
  6. Important definitions:
    • The policyholder is the individual whose name an insurance policy is written, as the party who enters into an insurance agreement, hereinafter referred to as “You”.
    • The Insured is the individual whose life is covered by this Policy.
  7. Procedures, Methods, and Terms:
    • Claim Submissions
      1. The payment of the Insurance Benefit will be processed if our Head Office has received all the required documents, completely and correctly.
      2. The Insurance Benefit is payable after premiums have been fully paid for the risks of insurance coverage that occur during the Grace Period and other obligations (if any) are satisfied.
      3. We are not responsible for the costs incurred to complete the requirements for the Insurance Benefit payment request.
      4. All documents and/or supporting evidence for a request for payment of Insurance Benefit must be submitted in Indonesian and/or English.
      5. The letter issued regarding the payment of Insurance Benefits is valid proof that such payment has been made pursuant to the prevailing provisions of the Policy.
    • Policy Cancellation during Freelook Period
      If you do not agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy for any reason, you can cancel the insurance protection, by:
      1. Submit a Policy Cancellation Application Form which has been filled out completely and signed by you and sent to our Head; or
      2. Call our customer care to cancel your policy, where, in this case, you agree that the conversation regarding the Policy cancellation will be recorded;
        Within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after you receive the Policy (“Free Look Period”). On that matter, the Policy is treated as void by default from the Policy Effective Date and we are not liable for any insurance protection to you, the Insured, and/or Additional Insureds (if any). All of the premium received will be refunded.


  • Optima Cancer Protection is an Insurance Product marketed specifically in collaboration between PT AIA Financial (AIA) and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA)
  • The Insurance Product is not a product and responsibility of the Bank, thus is not included in the guarantee program, and the Bank shall not be responsible for any information issued by AIA
  • PT AIA Financial and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk are registered with and overseen by the OJK

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