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Open New Account

Open a Savings Account on Smartphone with Ease

Why Open a BCA Account via myBCA?

Need not to go to branch office

Mobile & Internet Banking Facilities

Cardless Cash Deposit/Withdrawal


About Important Information

Hassle-free account opening

Now, opening a savings account can be done at any time. Simply download myBCA and select the Open New Account feature.

Important Information

The types of savings available to open via myBCA:

  • Tahapan BCA
  • Tahapan Xpresi
  • Tahapan Gold

  • Paspor BCA card can be collected via BCA Branch or CS Digital after successful account opening
  • Please ensure that the registered mobile number has not been used for myBCA before and has not been previously registered as an e-Banking mobile number.
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Keep Saving with BCA and Get a Luxury Car, Bike, Smartphone, Fine Gold, and various Vouchers!