Surat Utang Negara (SUN) adalah Surat berharga yang berupa surat pengakuan utang dalam mata uang Rupiah maupun valuta asing yang dijamin pembayaran bunga dan pokoknya oleh Negara Republik Indonesia, sesuai dengan masa berlakunya.
Savings Bond Ritel (SBR) adalah Obligasi Negara yang dijual kepada individu atau perseorangan Warga Negara Indonesia melalui Mitra Distribusi di Pasar Perdana Domestik yang tidak dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Sekunder.
Competitive Rate of Coupon/Return
The Coupon/Return offered is higher than the average interest rate of BUMN bank deposits
No Maximum Coupon/Return Limit
Monthly Coupon/Return are floating with a guaranteed minimum Coupon/Return (floor) until maturity.
Participation in National Development
Opportunity to participate in supporting national development financing
Default Risk
Is a risk where the investor can’t get the payment of funds promised by the issuer when the investment product matures. The payment of SBR012-T2 & SBR012-T4 is guaranteed by the law.
Interest Rate Risk
There is no potential for changes in Coupon/Return that are detrimental to investors due to market conditions, this is because there is a guaranteed Minimum Coupon Level (Floating with Floor)
Liquidity Risk
Cannot be traded at any time (except during the Early Redemption period)
Brosur & Memo Informasi
SBR012-T2 & SBR02-T4 brochure
See information about SBR012-T2 & SBR02-T4 in the brochure
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