Customer Fund Account (RDN)

A specialized account intended for conducting securities transactions in the Capital Market

Why Customer Fund Account?

Ease of RDN Opening

Securities can cooperate with BCA to open RDN BCA both offline and online

Ease of RDN Transaction

Securities can manage RDN transactions via KlikBCA Bisnis or API integration, which can be done in real-time, 24/7

Ease of RDN Monitoring

Securities can monitor the movement of funds in RDN through real-time RDN notifications and RDN statement and balance reports that can be accessed periodically

Customer Fund Account (RDN)

Terms and Procedures Supporting Solution

Terms and Procedures

  • Open a Giro account at BCA.
  • Sign a Cooperation Agreement with BCA to open a Customer Fund Account (RDN).
  • Apply for the opening of KlikBCA Bisnis service to operate the RDN.
  • Apply for facilities such as API, H2H, or others to support RDN management.

Supporting Solution

The following supporting solutions are available for managing RDL: