This product is a unit link and contains risks including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, risk of changes in economic and political conditions, credit risk, withdrawal and redemption risk, tax risk, managed fund accountability risk and exchange rate risk.
The death benefit will not be paid because of these conditions, the customer commits an insurance crime, deliberately commits or participates in a crime/law violation, and the claim submitted is included in the Exclusion. A complete list of exceptions is fully regulated in the Policy.
Terms and Conditions
Age of the Insured: 1 month-70 Years
Minimum age of the policyholder is 18 years old
You can check the complete information about this product via brochure
BCA and AIA are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).
This insurance product is an insurance product of PT AIA Financial (AIA) and is not a product of BCA. BCA is not responsible for these insurance products.
Acquisition Charges
Acquisition Charges
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
Insurance, Top Up, Administration
Insurance Charge
The amount depends on age, gender, smoking status and Sum Assured
Top-Up Charge
5% of Top-Up Premium
Administration Charge
IDR35.000 / month
Complete cost information can be accessed through the brochure
Premier Hospital & Surgical Extra, Premier Hospital & Surgical Saver
Critical Illness Insurance Rider
Waiver Premium Rider
Waiver Care, Spouse Waiver, dan Payor Waiver Care
How long is the Insurance Period and Premium Paying Term?
Until the Insured turns 99 years old
What are the advantages of paying premium discipline?
From 11 years onwards, customer will get extra premium allocation up to 20% of the first year's Basic Premium or the lowest year's Basic Premium (whichever is lower)
Is the estimated Account Value on the Benefit Illustration guaranteed?
No, investment returns can change at any time (higher or lower) according to market conditions and are not guaranteed.
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